
You’ll see! gearboxtrouble’s car will be out in two years!

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“SpaceX beat them at launching a rocket and reusing it with the grasshoper”

Not that simple, it was stuck in last moment. This allows legislators to give the excuse of them "not noticing it". If this goes back to the legislature to vote on, now they need to vote on it with everyone watching.

Yes I am serious. As for how long it took to get to Panama, don't remember off the top of my head but there are plenty of 240v plugs around and it is not like they "planned" anything. They just did it. Again, there is no such thing as a perfect car, but the Tesla Model S is as close as it gets to a no compromise car.

That puts Snyder in a tough position. He can either approve the bill and keep his dealer constituents happy or veto the legislation and run counter to the recent stance by other Republicans – including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio – all of which have come in favor of

That is simply nonsense, there is no car in existence that offers no compromises regardless the price. The Tesla Model S is pretty much as close to a non-compromise car as you can get.

Not really subsidies, more like they super tax gas cars. Because a subsidy reduces the price of an item, but if they overtax 1 item, they aren't exactly subsidizing the other.

Well that definitely won't be a problem for Tesla who sells all their cars directly. But so far manufacturers have did things like require people to hold the wheel even if they are not driving. Which kind of makes it a difficult case to sue if you are holding the wheel.

The insurance companies will cover it. Reason is they want to stay relevant. Because last thing insurance companies want is people to think "hey manufacturer takes all the blame so why get car insurance at all?"

Yes, but the specifics are all over the place. Some are claiming 0 to 60 under 3 seconds and improved range.

Again, Musk solution for that is tunnels. We build multiple story buildings but have only 1 street level. In major metropolitan zones, we can just build multiple street levels.

Musk has said he plans to build a few flying cars,(limited edition) but he doesn't see it as transportation of the future.

Tesla also gives conservative times, the Tesla was tested for 0 to 60 in 3.7 seconds. A full sized sedan being even remotely close to a coupe is silly. And lets be honest, once "The D" is unveiled, it will leave the i8 even in a bigger gap.

And that is exactly what Tesla did, they created a battery that is lighter and more energy dense then the competition. Tesla also mass produces cars in such a way to reduce production time and costs.

Oh please, being an engineer only allows for looking at practical perspective (I know cause I have a degree in electrical engineering), but you have no clue about the progress of the technology because I can guess it is not your speciality of self driving cars.

Carbon Fiber is also not a breakthrough, no new technology was invented. Carbon Fiber existed prior.

In the glider or in the whole car (drivetrain and battery included)?

The mass produced carbon fibre is mostly for the i3. The i8 is a limited production car. That said, the Tesla was built from the ground up. And it was built around the battery , so it did change a lot about how the car is fundamentally built.

Maybe, but rumors are:

The Tesla motor weights about 70lb. the front motor will most likely be a smaller motor though.