
I mean every single piece of writing or podcast episode that came out in the past day basically made it clear what happened from the titles alone.. 

I’d sign up for that. Or anything with a time jump for the Voyager or DS9 crews. I just want a story moving ahead.

Yeah the sodium numbers on these things always turn me off.

Please, please let it be set in the future from the TV shows and not just a rehash of some story time they've traveled again and again and again.

Keep your phone on, Cronenberg is going to call you asap to option that story idea.

Not a comment I was expecting to read ha. But he really was! That movie might top the ‘90s list of ‘should have been absolutely awful but was kind of great’.

That’ll help the set and costume building budget!


Fringe has long been on my ‘rainy day treat’ pile for watching. I always knew Torv would be a highlight but didn’t realize he was on it, let alone as a tight character with her. Excited and sad.

Fuck. Elevated every single thing he was in. 

Right? I bet I won’t have any idea what’s going on for a full season but I’ll still stick it out because The Leftovers taught me it’s worth it!

Still not entirely sure I like the season-long arc angle for Perry Mason. Absolutely appreciate doing away with the case of the week format, especially as it would brush aside the depth behind the case. Perhaps an Andor style triad of episode arcs with a longer background story would work the best.

Good catch on the house. I’m not certain that’s it but there would be a certain symbolism with Goodson standing in front of that stove during the dream sequence.

I love how each episode is scored differently to begin with the title card, often tips the hand a bit on the dramatic theme. I could listen to the factory score all day long.

That’s an awesome idea and I’ll absolutely do that on my next visit.

The Ringer’s critics loved the hell out of it, to the point of wanting an Oscar nomination. It was time-passing enjoyable! But not outstanding in any sense of the word.

ding ding ding

Sport games that involve a sport with multiple natural pauses work well. Baseball especially.

Amazingly teflon

Stands to reason that it is, since brining cauliflower works out great before grilling or roasting it.