
Sure, that was in poor taste, but the real war crime would’ve been if Applebee’s marketing stooges had plotted out an ad campaign mimicking the vibe and theme of Cheers. Whew, thank goodness we dodged that bullet!

Dissolve Two: Electric Boogaloo

Thanks that was good to read. Imagine moving on from an editor that can maintain those kind of connections, sigh.

I think so. Noticed their YouTube page had a dramatic upswing in BCS posts over the past month, kind of figured something new was coming.

What I want to know is, are we going to get the conclusion to a long series of Breaking Bad - today Donna Bowman penned (and publish-worthy) reviews? Or has the herbaceous one forced us to deal with some random new reviewer for the final season. That would suck. A lot.

You shut your mouth.

Definitely the flick that disappeared the most this year. A24 didn’t do it many favors in the publicity department either. I would have liked to see an effects or cinematography nom, it was very impressive for being made on the cheap.

Yeah Dunst was quite good in it, as was Plemons. I enjoy watching them pair off together and the different shades they bring to it in various roles. Not alot of similarity between this movie and their path in Fargo, but it’s fun to have that background in your head.

Ah, this is a zombie article/listicle. I see we’ve entered that phase of herbenation of the AV Club staff fucked-over-ness. Welp, time to axe it from my routine like deadspin. It’s been good. Maybe The Dissolve can reboot in this age of patreon/niche subs and have an arts & culture space like Defector has shown

Hello, Wisconsin!!!

That’s probably a decent source of revenue these days. Bet landing one of those tracks on a streaming show nets more than whatever Spotify pays unless you’re top-tier popular.

I’m more of a Historian fan myself, and also prefer her among the triumvirate, as to why on your latter observation, well that’s probably very very obvious to all of us.


Well, fuck. I knew he wasn't in the Chicagoland group so I didn't think this column was in danger. Enjoyed it for many years, herbs can eat shit.

Haha hell yeah. Truly a forgotten movie already a decade-plus too old for its release date. My first roommate and I grabbed it from of the super early DVD discount/trash bin sales and often spun it at various levels of drunkenness.

Wait, this isn't about captain Herby pushing out all the AV Club 2.0 staffers? Could've sworn.. ¯\(°_o)/¯

Just make the goddamned Element again. 

Eye of the beholder a bit as well, to be sure. I never noticed anything feeling slow or missing in RDR2, but then again, I wasn’t staring at someone else’s top-line console in 4K to miss the difference, either. The one game I noticed lag on was MLB The Show, but frankly I was so excited to have baseball on Xbox that

Sheeeeit, I guess the thing I’ve been using to game (and horror of horrors, stream/play bluray) for 4 years is a giant pile of donkey crap! I think I’ll just light myself on fire now for being such a dumbass for actually enjoying my $250 investment.

So.. please spoiler this if so people, but I would really like to know if any of the original cast is the killer this time. Cuz if so I think I’d like to skip, and pretend this doesn't exist;  it would make the original movies a lot less fun to rewatch knowing that one of the sorta heroes ended up being a ghostface in