I have TWO ads for Quaker Oats. I’m assuming the boxes will be picked up by the Chicago Bears In case Mitch can’t come through again.
I have TWO ads for Quaker Oats. I’m assuming the boxes will be picked up by the Chicago Bears In case Mitch can’t come through again.
Well boys & girls, it looks like we’re in the endgame now.
This is the main deterrent for me exacting revenge on my neighbors for petty transgressions.
“This isn’t analysis because there is nothing to Trump, or to his politics—no room for subtext, no broader strategy beyond whatever seat-of-the-pants pandering is most immediately apparent, nothing but the wheedling and undignified and insatiable vanity that is always right there to see.”
Thank you for sticking to sports.
Yeah, last week they announced that he was going to be there. He was supposed to throw out the first pitch but his enemy José Andres threw it out instead.
This was like eating a whole sheetcake with extra frosting.
If his grouping is like his strike zone, we have nothing to worry about. Dude’s a storm trooper.
Honestly, based on the highlights it looked like Di Maria bossed that game.
I agree with most but not all of these.
What’s nice is that Vince Carter is listed Alphabetically and by age.
I get what you’re doing here, but leaving Grayson Allen on this list is still egregious and unforgivable.
Simmons was about 10,000 words into a rebuttal before he took a closer look at the list.
That was dirty.
I was only a 5, at best, though. He wouldn’t be seen in public with a 5, ever.
Let it go? The hurricane is white and has a hole—surprised he hasn’t married it yet.
I’m reporting you to the bar association. I’m fairly certain we’re not supposed to admit to those things in our code of conduct. My soul died during contracts/sales transactions during 1L
Dave this is fantastic. Warms even my cold lawyer heart.