Smarter than the Average Bear

Was glad that your article said “Arizona woman Hilde Hall” and not “Arizona Trans-woman Hilde Hall”

The real news wouldn’t be your team won without taking the bat off their shoulder. it would be in the seer and utter consistent incompetence of every other team fucking up with every single at bat.

Dafuq? Skin does not “breathe” Where are you getting your information?  1960's spy thrillers?

I am not offended by these things. Crusty old white men in power and the repressed Midwestern housewives who support them are. 

Your house analogy is amazing. Regardless of who “Built” this country (A term I don’t like because I don’t find it accurate) I want it to be remodled by skilled, passionate individuals like you who know how to make small changes that have a large overall impact.

I’m not from SC nor do I go to clubs at all so my not going there really has zero impact.  However, just for the record: I don’t want to be anyplace that you aren’t wanted either.

The headline nicely summarizes my relationship with my wife.

The best lines:

This guy and I would be best friends on the inside. Plain peanut butter only for me.  Perhaps we could work out a trade for those delicious corn nuts...

The Malum in se and Malum prohibitum side of things is pretty important. Please don’t call the cops on a kid who is selling lemonade without a license just be cause they are “committing a crime

Nothing makes a racist white person madder than seeing Black people be joyful.

If you want I can share my dad with you. His advice for me whe I turned 18 and got my first ballot was: “If you aren’t sure just vote for the democrat

This is a wonderful analogy and the imagery is quite powerful. I only skimmed the article so I saw this for the first time in your comment. Thank you for sharing it. :)

...they called the police because my child was crying because he was getting a whooping. Who does that? 

Can we just stop with the touching at work.... I’m looking at you older lady who keeps touching my hand or my shoulder...  I prefer you would stop.  

I had the same experiences guarding. In 10+ years I didn’t jump in once. All of my saves were while I was out enjoying the water myself. I notice this stuff because I can’t help myself from watching the water like a guard...It has now been close to 13 years since I last worked in a pool.

Where do you think we get our water FROM in the northwest?  ;)

This sucks! Just the other night I suggested leaving my grade school kids in the car for a 5 minute trip into the grocery in one of the lowest crime towns in my state. I was vetoed by the wife because “They will get to hot in the car and someone will call the cops.” It was cloudy and 65.  sigh...

Your philosophy is: “Parent appropriately for the situation”