Smarter than the Average Bear

Love this!

OK. So I agree with this post wholeheartedly. Strangers, friends, family, best to just avoid the possibility altogether.

Not a pilot but I came here to make a similar comment and I glad you said something. My understanding of a plane’s autopilot was more or less what you described. People are idiots for thinking that they don’t have to drive their cars anymore.

Take my star ya wonderful bastard!

I am generally for rolling sick days into vacation but you have illustrated my chief complaint of the practice. Since you think of these days as your “Vacation” you (admittedly) don’t take them as intended when you are ill.

Timmy is a shoe in to play Don Jr. in the eventual movie about the GD 2016 Election, right?

Shoot me but I LOVE the bluegrass version of Gin and Juice.

There are no mandatory drug tests for teachers in Washington (pre or post legalization) or Texas. Might want to look into reciprocity for your certificate.... ;)

This is the perfect response!!

Listening to him repeat the Oath I realized that he is following it to the letter: “...to the best of my ability...” I think this means that my 7 year old is qualified to be president so long as she tries real hard. sheesh.

My kids are SO proud of themselves when they save me from a nap. “Dad...DAD! Wake up! You were falling asleep! Watch this! (jumps up and lands on knees on the hardwoods making me jealous that they don’t feel pain) Now, come play Lego with me!”

For perfect toasted sandwich slices: Put BOTH pieces of bread in the same toaster slot. The outside gets toasted and the inside stays soft!

Those people are wrong. You are right to want them dead. I laugh just THINKING about that scene. :)

He and my dad were born in the same year. When he turned 70 last November I reminded him he was the same age as Trump. He was PISSED to share anything in common with him.

I have never wished for anyone to go bankrupt before...but I sincerely hope that you go broke buying drinks tomorrow.

I bought this, on your recommendation, and I love it. It is a daily carry for me and I use it about 2-3 times per week. It has enough juice to recharge my OnePlus 2 about twice, but since it is also a wall charger I am able to extend that easily as soon as I see a socket. The ability to charge with micro USB also

I bought this, on your recommendation, and I love it. It is a daily carry for me and I use it about 2-3 times per

So, We have established that snow is awesome when you add horsepower. Can we maybe keep the trend going and start including a tiny bit of coverage on snowmobiling for the season? I feel like it might be welcome on lanesplitter, or am I just all alone here?

Good writeup. However, I knew all of this before because I watched “Planes: Fire and Rescue”

This is what I was thinking too. As a ball haver I don’t think I can explain the whole body pain that is getting kicked int he nuts to a non-ball haver. However, after suffering a (near) daily humiliation I don’t fault the author for hitting back the best way she knew how.

Ditto to all three of your points. I was just telling my BIL over Thanksgiving that if we had a NHL team inside city limit that I would get season tickets... looks like I’m going to have to pony up!