
+all Michael Bolton songs

Well, as the old saying goes, “you mess with the bull, you get violently thrown to the ground and have your chest caved in.” I may be paraphrasing a bit.

Well done, sir or madame, I have literally never laughed-out-loud at a Kotaku comment. Guess there is a first time for everything!

They’re all chasing Jordan, breh. Whether they say it or not, they want the fabled 7 rings to dethrone the true King; they’re just smart enough to not go the Kobe route in this day and age.

That’s why this Lebron-Kyrie combo no work. Lebron is a Point Guard trapped in the body of a sentient Greek statue, and Kyrie is a Swingman/Gunner trapped in a true-Point’s frame. The CIA needs to release the patents for their body-switching machine already so we can get some competitive post-season basketball for a

However, I doubt you are a nearly seven-foot behemoth with an equally large bank statement. Life seems to even itself out sometimes

U R Sillys.

As a fellow intense weirdo with a similar Germanic surname, I gotta say, this is mild at best.

Heh, just a matter of time now.

I love Arkane’s style. Great picks, breh!

Nah, man. Bandannas and matching three-wheeled motorcycles with “Truck Nuts” hitched on the back.

Counter-point that isn’t really a counter:

Preach, brother.

Well, knowing Enes, I’m sure his father will rebound quite effectively from this, and as a result, earn more money than the other, more talented hostages—thanks to the weak hostage market this year, of course—and eventually exhaust all hostage opportunities here and head back to Turkey where he’ll play professional

RE7, Bay-beeee!!! I started it last night and got to the point of breaking out the gf and about to sneak around, but I paused it and ended up passing out. Tonight I’m gunna re-tinker with my energy drink : bowl ratio to ensure success —- winky, smiley face emoji—-

Every time I see a high school highlight reel like this I think, “oh man, that looks like it’s at my high school gym!” And it never is. I’m starting a lobby to petition for more original high school gym-interior designs. If Trump truly wants to make ‘Murrica great again, this must take priority.

Finally upgraded to an Xbox One on Black Friday and have been stockpiling for my game collection recently (Amazon probably loves me as of late). Just ordered Madden 17 today for the $20 which I was stoked on so I’ll be on that once it arrives Sunday. However, in the meantime I’ll be indulging the ADD-stricken 14 year