This part was built for a reason. I don’t give a shit about that reason, so I chucked it. There are trade offs. I want a fucking sway bar, I’ll deal with some vibration. JFC.
Not sure if anyone has said this before, but it’s okay to talk to people without being a dick to them and calling them names.
That looks great. People act as if you are using a programmer to run with all of your lights off at night. The only time this would truly alter visibility is when the car is parked and off, at which point, if you run into it... you’re the asshole. Might it have prevented the accident? Sure. So might have being able to…
Eh, it’s an asterisk season anyway. It’s hard for me to get interested in the championship this year. It’s just a shame that Hamilton’s record tying championship will be tainted by the asterisk this year.
always bugs me when I put the number of years since the game was kickstarted into the headline and forget that development actually started in 2010-11.
That’s insane, and proves that the congestion charge was never about reducing congestion to begin with but rather generating revenue to prop up a non-performing bus/tube service.
1. This is definitely a false equivalency.
It’s my fault you’re an ass?
Deserves the “Most Punchable Face in Motorsport” trophy, edging out Lance Stroll as a close second
Good. These guys in Japan are going to need a fresh supply the way they drive:
10/17/2018: Jeff Bezos buys old Rangie for shits and giggles
Screw it, I’m going NP. I know it’s an emotional vote and I don’t care. Yes it’s more than a used Miata that will be much better in just about every way. But they are still “just driving a Miata” (I’ve had several, so back off Miataites). This is a Lotus and it needs love.
Elon, Elon, Elon. You can’t say, post, or tweet whatever crazy idea might have popped in your head when you may or may not have been dropping acid. You are the president of a publicly traded company, not the President of United States of America.
The Nazi propaganda machine threw ridiculous ( at the time ) amounts of money behind these GP projects from Auto Union and Mercedes.