
If you’re referring to the moving signal, those aren’t standard EU tail lights. I have an EU mustang and it does have the white tail lights as opposed to the US red ones, but they only have one of the sections illuminating for the indicator.

I’m going to go for the Lancia Thema 8.32. Technically an 80s car, but they produced it until 1992 I believe...

I absolutely adore the Panda, I really do. But no matter how few of these cars are on the road in the US, it still doesn’t warrant $7500. If it were the 4x4 version, I’d consider it. That’s nostalgia speaking.

I definitely want to see that picture!

Am I the only one firmly in his sports car phase still (SUV or 4x4? pfft) but has a sizeable crush on this thing!?

Not fair, but has to be the winning car...

Now playing

I thought the exact same thing, until I watched the 28 minute FIA press conference where they explained the Halo decision:

Thanks, hadn’t seen this video. Very interesting.

Didn’t know MC Escher designed a car...

Thanks for sharing the video. first half also goes a way to explain some of the team radios in race asking the drivers to clearly point out things they want to report to charlie.

I don’t have start/stop on my 17 year old car so have only tried it on rentals. I have to say I quite like it.

I’ve been toying with the idea of upgrading from a 996 to a 997, and you’re the 3rd person in 2 weeks to mention it’s not worth it. I think I’m keeping mine...

I am absolutely loving this new TG. Everything about it just works and I actually think that I am enjoying it more than the Grand Tour, the first half of it anyway.

Agreed. The 4-pot 1.9 is definitely not the one to get...

When I went to watch the F1 there a couple of years ago, I had tickets for those stands. The highlight of the Sunday was the C63 medical car (estate) doing exactly what that mustang did for 3 laps.