

You’re not kidding. My period is just this thing that happens and I tend to it. A post- drinking binge horror show in the toilet on the other hand is something I’d rather not talk about, never mind the gut-wrenching heaves I’d get if I ever had to see Trump naked with his hair rumpled, post fuck fest.

There’s always Canada my friend!

How funny, my “States I Can Move To” list gets shorter every day.

When it comes time to send my kids to college, the list of states we would never allow them to go is getting long.

They don’t care. You can donate to the organization as a whole, or donate to a specific PP organization. I can’t give much, either, but I can give something to one or both of the ones listed for that state.

ooh do they care where you are? I couldn’t manage much but I’m getting increasingly angry at the world this evening that might help.

Each time I read a story like this, I donate to Planned Parenthood “In Honor” of some awful person. Last week, it was in honor of Bobby Jindal. The week before, it was in honor of “The Very Gross Duggar Family”. I guess it’s Ass Holeinson this week.

The most shocking thing I found out when Gov. Bentley of Alabama pulled the funding is that the state was only giving Planned Parenthood $5,000 over a 2 year period anyway. You can’t even get a decent used car for $5,000. All that means is that the move was purely theatrical.

There’s a GoFundMe already running to make

And every time Mickey cuts them in half, he just winds up with twice as many brooms that are twice as racist.

Fox News reaps what they sow. Suddenly they have no idea what to do with frothing at the mouth conspiracy nutcases and the lumbering behemoth of tea partiers. It’s like watching Mickey Mouse frantically try to control the brooms he’s accidentally brought to life as they completely wreck the place.

I highly doubt most people consider stay at home dads “damaged goods.” I see most women gush over any picture of a man being with his kids.

And would a stay at home mom have money, a career and would not be blasted in online forums by misogynist assholes for demanding alimony?

Men have more money than women, proving that life’s really unfair for men.

My (male) ex sued me for alimony and won as well. It’s time to retire the myth that only men pay alimony.

No, no it’s not asshole and if it was, in my case it would be called ‘husband price’.

Donald Trump accepts your challenge.

...where it would’ve been a mass shooting instead.