Poop Medicine

Get all these politics and opinions out of reviews of media! A five star movie is one where the sound syncs up with the video and the light levels are such that I can see what's going on! The only thing I want to hear out of a book review is whether there are words printed on the pages and whether or not the covers

Rock Paper Shotgun is solid as fuck if you happen to be a person that plays games primarily on PC and has a high tolerance for Britishness

A bunch of internet sexists got mad at a game developer and that means kotaku is bad, duh. Try to keep up

What's up with Japan being terrible at naming video games?

Did that restaurant fuck up the word "nuggets" on that menu toward the beginning of the article? Right there under Fruit De Mer. I know a little kitchen French but I never heard of no "nuggest"

When he says stuff I agree with, he's really smart! When he says stuff I don't agree with, he's joking! By some mad coincidence, he only actually believes the parts that I do!

And then when it turns it he doesn't know what he's doing either, we get someone even dumber to replace him,

The thing that honestly troubles me some of the most about trump is that we've now pulled the "fuck it, let some guy from the tv be in charge of it" cord. A couple years ago, Dwayne "Can Do That Thing With One Eyebrow" Johnson would've been an amusing also-ran. At this point, who knows. If it's him V trump, I might

Shut up, moron

Here's one worse: it would take less time to fuck Shakespeare's bones to completion, sobbing at gunpoint, than it would take to even sit through a performance of one of his works. I'm also someone that recommends reading the book first with a translation, but I'm even leaving that out.

Seriously who gives a shit what I think

Yeah you kind of have to take Shakespeare to where people live if you want them to fuck with it at all. Very very very few people just wake up one day and decide to read a book they essentially need a translator to understand in preparation to go watch three hours of live theater. Get DiCaprio and some guns in there

That's honestly just sort of how theater is. Even your truly great Shakespeare companies pull "let's make one side hobbits and the other guys stalinists, that'll look cool" with shit like Winter's Tale. There's only so many different ways you can dress up the same show. Also, a big part of doing Shakespeare is

That's honestly pretty impressive.

Let's put it this way, first time I brought one to a cookout and made everyone try it there was a lot of cussing and sweating, but everyone had a second bite

I honestly haven't noticed a huge uptick in stoned people walking around, everyone was already higher than fuck to begin with. It's just easier now

There's a little pineapple in there to break up the spice, but those things are otherwise completely uncompromising. I brought one to a cookout once before I'd tried it, and everyone had a small bite, clutched their faces, swore a lot, and then went back for more.

An unpleasant experience you can joke about that evening turns into a funny anecdote by sunrise. I recently got boarded on a plane, and once everyone on board was commenting about the hundreds of mosquitoes in the cabin, we all got kicked off for quite a while. I think what they did was blasted the air system with

I've heard of places that sell you a beer with a beer back. I think I'd do okay over there.

Same thing out in Oregon. "Oh wow man you must smoke so much pot and drink so much good beer." Good beer is overrated but other than that you got me