Poop Medicine

Danzig's super lame and all obviously but I'm kind of jealous of the people working this thing. I had some friends that did haunted house stuff when we were younger and needed three weird jobs at a time, and they had a whole lot of fun. This seems like that but more so

Hey you didn't die again

So basically it's bullshit Wilfred, is that about right?

Good year

"We call it a Ben Franklin"

Huh so it turns out that brownies and H.H. Holmes' murder hotel came from the same event. That's fucking fantastic.

Man at least you got options when you're entertaining guests. The main food thing tourists in Portland feel the need to do is wait in line for two hours to get an expensive donut that's shaped like a dick.

Okay so we're gonna make chili, but we're going to do everything we can to not make it taste like chili, and then we'll conceal it between pounds of cheese and pasta and hope nobody notices

Run me through this. It looks like a bad-smelling pickled salad kind of thing, does that alternately go on a sandwich or on the side like with slaw, or does it go specifically one way or the other?

I've never been, but Chicago has always struck me as a city with an inferiority complex.

Did Preacher get good? The first couple episodes felt sort of confused. That's perfectly natural given the source material, of course, but I just couldn't click with it.

Rogue can go fuck themselves on every conceivable level, but I do have some nostalgia for splitting a bottle of Old Crustacean that my buddy stole from the grocery store when we were like 17 or 18. I liked the big heavy bottle and the strange taste, and calling it "ol' crusty" while being a couple of proto crusties

Yeah that's a classic strategy. You talk way way past the issue. Just say it's bad over and over, brook no disagreement, and after doing that for long enough everyone just kind of stops questioning the core premise and starts having slap fights about the details. They're doing this a lot.

I've got a pretty close friend and neighbor whose face just breaks out like a hundred bee stings every so often. He was in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The VA's like "did you hang out next to a bunch of burning ordnance" and he's like "yeah I didn't really get a lot of choice in the matter" and then they're like "hey

Oh that same Rick Perry that got a D in Meat Class? The one that campaigned on shutting down a department that spends two thirds of its budget on literally the most important thing on the planet, which he didn't know was part of the job when he was campaigning on killing the job or when he was offered the job, only

I see all these jokes about "Bush doesn't look so bad now," and I worry that the younger folks might take that as wisdom instead of exasperation. Bush was a goddamned train wreck, we shouldn't forget

They're definitely incompetent fuckups, but we're only seeing the big stuff. What's going on over at the EPA right now? How's Rick "Fuck the DoE" Perry doing over at the DoE? It's a lot easier to get people to pay attention to something big and dramatic and impactful like health care, but a lot of smaller things

Count it

I was guessing Suzanne. Also I'm wondering if he's going to fall into one of his little logic traps, since reviewing your last review is a review, meaning you have to review that review, and on into infinity.