Poop Medicine

Exactly. The dangerous ones are on the internet, begging for civility and an open exchange of ideas about whether or not we should put all the muslims in camps

Some ideas are evil, dangerous, hateful, and un-American, though. The Muslim registry comes charging to mind. I don't accept this "we all need to calm down and have a real debate" meme that the right has been passing around. Giving bad ideas equal time with good just legitimizes bad ideas. If that hurts some

Yeah everything's a debate now for some reason. Personally, I blame the schools. We raised a generation with "okay so since we taught you evolution, now we have to give equal time to intelligent design." We teach the controversy on topics that are not scientifically controversial, and this approach bleeds over into

This can end up biting you in the ass though. When you make an idea like "someone should drive a car through these protesters" or "the holocaust didn't happen" a part of the discussion, you've moved the window of acceptable discourse WAY over to the right. You've given it credibility and equal time. Think about

"It's a dead organization! It's a bunch of dying old men playing dress up, they're irrelevant! Now if you want a hate group, look no further than BLM. They're just like the klan!"

It's more gen-x-ers and earlier millenials than boomers, boomers are kinda crusty these days. If you grew up in the eighties or nineties though, your regression options are endless. We've got the rereleased NES stuff, pokemon go, mario run, the endless reboots of ninja turtles and transformers and ghostbusters and

A lot of people just want to say fuck it and be kids again. I can't blame them, but I will definitely look down on this particular expression of that desire.

I see some science fiction selections so it's basically my duty to plug The Golden Age trilogy by John C Wright. Growing up, my house had a copy of Dune like our neighbors had bibles, I had the good fortune to take a science fiction class in high school, SF has been a big part of my life since before I could read.

No shit? Didn't make that connection, good ear

It's just about having realistic expectations. Sixty bucks isn't going to get you a game that will surprise you with new stuff for the rest of your life in most cases, and that's okay.

I went stealthy corvo and then murderbeast emily for the first two runs, pretty happy with that choice. It's really fun approaching the levels in different ways

I don't know I'm on a 970 and some kind of i5 and it runs fine for me with almost everything on. Definitely not a super beast rig

It's nice to hear that. I get so tired of the internet hate mobs freaking the fuck out about video games that aren't perfect and don't turn out to be the last video game you'll ever need to buy. Sixty bucks seems a bit rich for what seems to be in there, but I look forward to picking it up on a sale some day.

I feel like I heard something about a Full Throttle remaster. That's gonna be a good one. Sam and Max is the best one though, they need to do that

I liked the looks of that mushroom fellow, shame it didn't work out.

Definitely get through those DLCs before you jump into 2. The story straight up doesn't work right unless you get through Daud's story first. Plus Michael Madsen in a video game, why not

Get impressive, people. It's a great way to live.

Oh man if you want to cry about video games, get yourself a copy of Grim Fandango. A travel agent in the land of the dead, Manny Calavera's job is to send people across this purgatory to the land of eternal rest. After being forced to send a saint on a much harder path than she earned, he resolves to find her, and

I loved both and still play some CS when I feel like embarrassing some strangers, but Team Fortress just lost some magic over the years. I can't really put my finger on it, but it just felt important as time went on. I think a part of that was showing up way too late to the party with a real competitive mode,

Dishonored 2 is my GOTY by a country mile. It's the Thief 4 you were hoping for. Incredibly immersive, it's got a real sense of place to it, a place that's gone from bad to worse very dramatically and very recently. It could have been a little longer, but with two endings for both characters, the different ways you