Poop Medicine

Do you happen to know this guy's name? That sounds like an amazing read

Nah they love this shit.

We had a lot of that where I grew up in Oregon. Those dudes had definitely seen a Mexican before, but you'd see all kinds of Jew hate in a school with a grand total of two Jews in it, only one of those practicing. They learn it from their dads and from south park, that's the only way to get a negative feeling about

Oh I'm sure you can read a room and I'm sure you did it well, I just know I've never lost a dime making it sound like everyone outside of the conversation is a sucker and missing out

I'm rogue valley all day, just a few minutes north of the border. One day an author will write a book of true stories from that region, and everyone will say they're all made up.

"I mean everything is medicine if you think about it the right way, the only things that exist are good or bad medicine. As Joseph Campbell once said"

I don't love those odds, honestly. We already saw an incredibly vocal minority of sanders supporters say "if I can't eat my entire birthday cake and instead eat only 80% of it, I VOTE NO CAKE" and pile on with trump in a misguided attempt to stick it to the washington insiders, who all immediately got cabinet

I'd way rather be the guy with the joke that didn't land than the guy just reciting the specials like someone stole his soul. That said, I'd recommend the word "idiots" over the word "Hitler" in that situation

Nah, Jabba is cool

Yeah I think you're right. By keeping us drawing comparisons to stuff we kind of like (Vader and Satan), they make it feel like a normal conversation in a normal situation. It isn't that. This shit is worse than Darth Vader and we all suffer for the comparison. That dude at least looked and sounded cool and turned

I just had to imagine a SOTU delivered by Donald Trump and that made my head hurt some. And then three more of them.

The man was angry about people being mean to his shitty VP for twelve hours today. I'm a little skeptical that we're gonna see year four at this point

In a very academic sense it absolutely isn't a language and you're right about that. In a more human, experiential sense, if you stopped in to get some pancakes and a tank of gas while this system of speech was in regular use, you would walk out saying "those motherfuckers don't speak English."

I think this is my favorite wiki wormhole so far, and I'm a huge fan of the series. Those little rural communities in southern Oregon and northern California produce a lot of really weird shit, myself included

Only in the sense that I've said or heard a dumb phrase, sharpied it poorly on a sticker, and slapped it up somewhere that's cool with that. Maybe the odd paint pen tag or carving into a heavily worked table at a dive bar*, that's about it. I've known people who were really good though and I have a lot of respect

It's honestly both. It's an inherently terrifying situation, but the huge nerd in me isn't gonna stop trying to make sense of stuff and being fascinated with the world.

My go-to sounds-ironic-but-kind-of-isn't Fourth of July WOOOOOO phrase is "shit yeah America, that's where my mom gets her mail!" I'm totally down with weird family/regional pride, my mom definitely makes better potatoes than your mom and my state grows better pot than your state, but that ain't white pride, that's

I liked that Friday or Saturday where the blazers were gettin out while the max largely wasn't working due to, y'know, riots. That was kind of a perfect storm

The best thing to do is go into one and say you don't really know what you're doing and feel a little intimidated. If they comfort you and offer a little education and ask you a lot of questions and answer yours, you've found your place. If they roll their eyes or are anything less than excited to share information

Seriously you're spending extra time to make a worse food, I'll never understand it. I run mine hella chunky too so the skins do some cool stuff texturally with that