Poop Medicine

It's been very interesting to watch people rebrand sounding like their own grandfathers as a sort of freethinking counterculture thing. Even as they cast a vote alongside the entire elderly right, these kids are seeing themselves as brave outsiders trying something new.

My city will be burning itself to the ground on inauguration night and I can't even categorically say that's a bad thing. Nobody will be able to say we took it lying down, that's a point of pride

Seriously it doesn't matter if he gets a single thing done, the fact that a little under half of the country looked at that and said "oh yeah, sure!" means we are in way deep shit and likely to stay there.

It was a very unattractive mustache to begin with

"Why is it the greatest champions of the white race are always its worst examples?"

I have a really hard time with "white pride" as a concept, because I don't see much of a white cultural identity. My blood is german and swedish I think, the culinary style I grew up with was wildly italian, I only speak english. When I go to a white friend's house for dinner, the food they make will have nothing to

There's a building in downtown Portland that still has one of those fallout shelter signs. It's right next to the university too, I can't for the life of me understand how it hasn't been stolen. I was born the year the wall fell, so I didn't directly experience any of the Cold War terror but I've been looking at

The joke going around in my circles is trying to figure out what the least heinous crime that could put you in jail for four years is, because my circles are grimy and poor and have no illusions about Canadian work permits

Let's see my best friend's ex just got diagnosed with cervical cancer, another tight tight homie had to put his cat down, me and that guy both got fired because our spot somehow wasn't meeting payroll (owner takes a lot of vacations and figured out he couldn't afford that AND a well paid knowledgeable staff so he

Everything doesn't need to be funny every time.

These guys never have any can control. Leave it to a republican to try and fail at doing something cool

LONGPOST AHEAD in case any recreational weed rookies want to read some words

"You're born a schmuck and you'll die a schmuck. Welcome to hell, idiot."

I fucking hated him on that show of his, that was my first exposure. Then I saw Kroll Show and a couple specials and my god the man doesn't even have to say anything to get me busting up at this point. What a shame the sitcom wasn't at the usual quality level, that could have been amazing. Fuck it though he's doing

I'm constantly talking to my girlfriend and outside of that I have like three people I regularly text when I get a good overhear or see a dog doing something unusual or something on that level. 20-30 sounds backbreaking

Picking the latter because you're so fucking bored with that story your aunt tells and the fair is stupid.

Radiolab has a lot of beeps and boops and sound effects and stuff that some people find disruptive. I kind of like it in some situations (think a long car trip) because it breaks the segments up and makes it easy to tell when the part you were kind of tuning out has ended and a new thing is happening. On the other

It makes sense. Out of curiosity, were we voting for guys we could have a beer with before Sam Adams, or did he start that?

Joe had enough juice that he probably got a book or two ghostwritten, Bone barely had time to do a reddit thread. The culture keeps getting faster

It's so easy to make a delicious potato! If you have salt, pepper, a lipid, a heat source, and an hour, a perfect potato with a nice robust potato flavor is yours for the taking. They're the simplest food on earth, but I've spent my whole life eating fucked up potatos at the homes of friends or relatives. Just wet