Poop Medicine

I'd rather have people pulling for me that nobody will ever know about than not, you know?

Cooking is definitely seen as an extremely cool thing for a person to know how to do around here, but I think that's a function of it getting less ubiquitous in the home and the advent of chefs being considered fuckable now. I'll talk about making some simple meals at home (like meat, potatoes, and a simple salad

I'll tell you exactly how they're sustainable, you just reminded me that I signed up for seeso half cut because PFT was on a show and it's so cheap I forgot I was paying them. Getting someone to sign up for four bucks a month and then forget about it is a very sustainable model

Yeah, that's gonna be up there

Phantom Pain plays like greased butter, but it doesn't feel like a real metal gear. The incredibly long cutscenes aren't there, the radio conversations are replaced by tapes like in bioshock/every game that came out after bioshock, the pacing is way off for the series. That said, moment to moment, it's one of the

It's both at once in a weird way. There are a lot of reoccurring themes throughout the games and questions they seem to be asking that are interesting to see answered in different ways. What makes a person who they are, nuclear proliferation, what makes a country a country, Cold War politics and espionage and the

3 stands alone just fine, it's chronologically the first so all you're missing is "oh, that's that guy from _____," which is fun but not at all essential. It's hands down the best one in the series as well, that doesn't hurt any. It's at least worth looking at some cutscenes on youtube if "military magical realism"

It absolutely will. Metal Gear fans buy those games because they say "Hideo Kojima" on the box. That thing is going to sell to some people that started with V and somehow didn't find it opaque enough to be worth reading up on, but who also want more, and specifically a standalone version where you shoot zombies like

Rising was actually pretty good. It sort of had a plot, and a lot of the design was extremely cool. Those little three-armed robot things looked like the natural progression from those terrifying walkers in 4 that made the animal noises, I like that kind of thing. Like those bigger walkers are to Naked Snake's 1911

Many jokes are bad and deserve to be treated that way

I think that's one of those things the internet just up and decided should happen, not unlike my new campaign about how JAVIER BARDEM SHOULD BE A SITH LORD. Forgive the superliminal suggestion, just trying to get an idea out there. As far as I know Glover wants to be Spidey and everyone wants that to happen, but it

I looked it up and apparently the mcu only officially contains 13 movies so far. It feels like so, so, so many more

Oh man that's pretty exciting. I've never played either at length because I'm a pc guy, but I got to mess with redemption for an hour at a friend's when it was new and I was thoroughly impressed.

Oregonians sure do a lot of the time, I figured that would continue east

I mean we're already doing that dooming pretty well so I'm not too worried about it

I just went through Snake Eater again last year, and just reading the name makes me want do it again

Real talk though, what do we call that guy that hypothetically is fucking the queen? I haven't heard of England having a king any time recently, is it just "queen's husband?" Can the Australian PM knight people? If so, as of when and also why? Almost every aspect of this is puzzling.

You show me a restaurant with a blatant spelling fuckup on the sign, I'll show you your place second in line

I hate to ask questions like this when google exists but it's a weird question to phrase: what kind of density variation do you see in earth-esque planets? Do we have anything about that? I'm wondering if there's any chance of this thing being fluffier than earth, or if rocks is rocks and we'd just fall over walking

Alpha Centauri is still totally playable and still good. I bet you anything gog has a version optimized for a modern machine that you could be playing ten minutes from now