Poop Medicine

That's pretty much true though. You need to be pretty high on your own farts to decide to consign several generations of people who did not sign up for this to go probably die on some rock because you thought it was a good call.

Everyone already knew that

That'd just put him in more history books, nobody but him wants that

Huh, turns out the European Extremely Large Telescope is being constructed in Chile. That was not my first guess.

You know who would make a dope sith? Javier fuckin Bardem from No Country. He's so fantastic at making you unsure of what he's about to do and why. I'd love to see that in a new Star Wars, where villains have a strong tendency to just bad guy around in fairly predictable ways. Vader was the last dude to really

I feel like that isn't a good thing. Trump is his own worst enemy this election, and our long campaign has given him ample time to fuck himself over. People have had a good while to watch the shit pile up. If we were in and out in a month, he'd be a thousand times more credible seeming than he is now, which isn't a

He's gonna keep yelling about election fraud and making unsubtle nods to the armed insane among his supporters until somebody takes a shot at the champ, at which point he'll pretend he never said a thing. I'm really glad the secret service are as badass as they are these days, this is likely going to be a rough ride

That's just going to make you awake for the whole thing. Medically induced coma is the smart choice for sure

I personally know a girl he was creeping on way way too hard and that's not an uncommon story

That's why I own a mirror

That's a factor

Oh it's pretty defined. Dude's a fucking creep

He did have an unsuccessful line of vodka for a second there if memory serves, so, sure. That seems about as consistent as anything else he's had to say

Plus didn't that guy go to Yale as the son of a president? Folksy affectations don't make for a dude that you can relate with or that can relate with you, no matter how hard both parties in that interaction pretend otherwise

"I'm some moron, and I can identify with that guy" is one of the core flaws of a democratic republic

I wouldn't be shocked if he got a south park joke, but that's more an indictment of south park than anything

That dude rated twice what his on-camera time consisted of, so five at the outside

At that point they're just too stupid to not dump money into the real pockets of workers that live there, let them do it.

Did a shitty metal outfit get involved with that somehow?

The fact that I remember joe the plumber vaguely and have almost already forgotten about this nobody that we're talking about makes me given to believe that