It's like if a guy had a save and load option like you would find in a video game. It doesn't matter if he screws up because he has a hundred lives, and people are watching the try where it finally worked going "WOW HE'S GOOD!"
It's like if a guy had a save and load option like you would find in a video game. It doesn't matter if he screws up because he has a hundred lives, and people are watching the try where it finally worked going "WOW HE'S GOOD!"
Which, you know, is a pretty popular strain of moron
I don't know that he needs to. Dudes will be happy to do it for him and he knows it. I don't know what the rates of gun ownership were like in Germany and Italy at the time, but I sincerely doubt you'd see the guns-per-dude that we see with trump's followers. There's a reason he keeps making veiled (as veiled as…
You have to be a pretty big moron in the first place to become a blinkered cryptofascist though. I remember being an absolutely massive moron when I was younger, the kind of guy who would be really easy to sell "where's white history month" or that level of garbage to. Then I went out into the world, grew a brain, a…
You're not making steak better, you're just making America worse
One of my greatest contributions I've ever made to the people in my life is not getting a facebook. This way, when I get all tanked and e-opinionated, nobody I know has to sit through it.
Some of us do
One st patrick's I was working at a bar for lame dads and my clearly not from Ireland boss decided we should run a special for car bombs. If you didn't go to parties in high school, that's a fifty fifty shot of Irish whiskey and Bailey's that you drop into a pint of Guinness and chug immediately before it curdles. …
Throw a little cinnamon and nutmeg on that come rumchatta come chrismastime, it's like eggnog but not disgusting. A Mexican joint I used to work at did those, they're great
There's a bar here that does a habanero infused tequila. Throw that in some pineapple juice, little shot of orange, it's fantastic. Great for a summer evening
You know what's good with shitty bourbon is soda water, way too much bitters, and a couple lemons. It's a good drink for this time of year, the citrus is refreshing for the heat and the bitters are fortifying for the cold
One of my buddies is from Russia and he'll occasionally go visit his folks. Whenever he does, I always end up with some weird candy (grape flavored chocolate with a picture of a kitten on it? Sure!), the worst cigarettes, and the best vodka. It's something I look forward to over the years.
Bucket of Jameson with ice, can of whatever's cold on the side. Ranier preferred, Pabst is acceptable, I'll put up with Hamm's if I really like the bar, and then one more again. Repeat until content. At the bar next to my workplace and several near my home, I don't even need to order this, I just show my face and…
I kind of wonder how these new habits interact with addicted people or folks predisposed to addiction. I'm definitely prone to liking substances and spend a lot of down time on my phone, I wouldn't be shocked if there was something in common there
I remember being profoundly disappointed as a fourth grader seeing episode one. I was hoping for a more refined kind of swordplay, since this is back in the day when the Jedi council exists and good swordplay would be a thing. I wanted some fencing-inspired stuff or something, seeing this more elegant weapon from a…
I'm pretty sure that the crystals that make a lighstsaber work basically just operate on God's plan. Han could pop Luke's open, and Luke didn't build that fucker in the first place, so they seem to have a very narratively intuitive locking system on them.
I guess a lot of people would rather feel smarter than some dumbass they heard about on Leno than see some little guy stick it to corporate America. That bums me out, I love seeing the little guy win
Oh shit I didn't kno about that part, that's pretty goddamn negligent.
An old joke: what do you call the guy that graduates law school at the bottom of his class?