Poop Medicine

The best preventative measures I can think of are either exits every ten feet or highly trained armed security. Both are desperately expensive to implement, the latter is as likely as not to produce more bodies than we ended up with, and both are incredibly unreasonable to expect in an environment where this kind of

Yeah I'm about as "eat the rich" as anyone you're likely to meet, but I can't think of a reasonable course of action the theater could have been expected to have taken before the fact. Armed security is expensive and usually garbage, or INTENSELY expensive if you're getting guys who know what they're doing. There's

That's a pretty constant conversation in the states too.

You're confusing ketchup with tomato soup my dude. Also I invite you to take some nice crusty grownup bread and grill it a little with some nice grownfolk cheese and some good butter and get right back to me. Grilled cheese owns, you just have to get out of that wonderbread and kraft mentality

Facebook America! Where you just casually advocate for war crimes and everyone is all "hell yeah brother!"

You just throw "we're supposed to be the best" in there, and you're flipping trump voters left and right. I've even done a good job with "wait you're telling me this stupid lazy beaner snuck over a border to live illegally washing dishes sixteen hours at a time to send money to his family? Your parents fucked here

They are, before anything else, lazy white idiots. Exactly. They went after the softest target I can think of. Eastern Oregon is a region most Oregonians can go years at a time without thinking of, let alone the national consciousness. These cowards didn't even go for a semi-hard target like, I don't know,

Read about a hundred or two words of the constitution, ignore the rest and the entire system of law the thing was designed to create, and you too can get weird ideas about what you're entitled to!

I grew up in a small town in Oregon that was probably 25% Mexican at the time. Even as a child, I'd see my friends' dads talking about the lazy illegals taking all the jobs, and I couldn't help but think "wait, you're a grown man with at least a high school diploma that's getting your job taken away in favor of some

It was an incredibly misguided little showing. These people had very obvious problems in their lives, correctly identified the source of none of them, and then voluntarily signed up for a whole raft of new problems.

That's the part that gets me. It was a bunch of dudes from out of state trying to stake a claim on land that belongs to everyone because they were mad about some shit that happened in Nevada. I think they went for "gift shop at a bird preserve in Eastern Oregon during the off season when nobody is there" because

Look up M.O.V.E and just imagine how this would have gone if they weren't a bunch of unemployable white shitkickers. They were willing to burn down blocks of Philly in order to bust up a compound of black separatists, imagine the shock and awe you'd see if BLM for example tried to seize a bird sanctuary in a state

Oh my god you missed a bunch of incredible stuff. One of my favorite moments came on one of their many, many nights where they were certain the Feds we're going to roll in and kill everyone. They were talking on unsecured walkie talkies with their guy(s) who had night vision about the positions they were in, and

"Here is a land full of power and glory
Beauty that words cannot recall
Oh her power shall rest on the strength of her freedom
Her glory shall rest on us all

What's fun is how you can watch this machine tear itself apart now. Fox News stoked the whole "you can't trust the mainstream" idea while pitching themselves as the plucky, courageous underdog that wasn't afraid to tell it like it is. That worked for a while, but they got too successful and put too many eggs in the

I have a veteran buddy who is the most alt-right crazy motherfucker you've ever met, but if you really sneak in there and don't use any of the words that make him mad, it's really really easy to get him to agree with some very left ideas.

Also this year

You'd be a crazy hobo on a street corner. Maybe they're all time travelers from a future too absurd for us to process ideas about

Well it's not like he'd be getting any of your money

Dude was a wide awake nightmare and the world's better off without him. Adopting kids just so they could work his dirt farm and he could collect money on them, fuck that.