Poop Medicine

Fun fact about Mr Finicum there: he had self published a book about a badass gunslinger that ends with his Mary Sue in a standoff with federal officials, who he fans his revolver at and naturally kills all of. The only thing between him and his dream, at the end, was competence.

In defense of our great state, few if any of those idiots were local, none of the leadership at least. Our gun toting miscreants are largely gentle people that just want you to stay the fuck off their land, they're not huge on seizing other people's.

She's already pounding pills, it's pretty clear where this is headed

I remember making a joke about an ipad nano that was just a big phone back when the ipad first came out. Look how foolish I am now

Oh what's up brother. I had one of those big boy zens that had like 256 gigs of storage. It was the size and weight of a desktop hard drive and you could hear the disc spin up from three feet away in a moderately loud environment, but oh man that thing was my whole world. i was Very Into Music as a teenager so

I've come to strongly suspect that you don't need a big market at all for a lot of this stuff. It's not super expensive to make, and if you hit that pricing sweet spot you can sell things to the confused. If you want you can slap some gold on there and sell it to audiophiles for thirty times what it cost you.

It's so strange to me that people are still making dedicated MP3 players. Back in the flip phone days where an sd card cost a toe, sure, but between bigger hard drives and youtube and the multiple streaming services everyone just grows like a fungus, I don't see the appeal much.

And if one does fall out, it's okay because it's connected to your phone and head so it can't get very far. Enough of that shit!

Conspiracy theories like this are a good part of why nobody is taking you guys seriously

Twenty's a lock, I'd honestly put him low in ten on a good day. Dude's funny as hell, has a genuine love for the English language, and isn't afraid to talk weird in the service of a good line. He's not what he was, but what he was was great

Dude fucking loves doing littlle lines like that, where they go way over your head until listen ten. That guy is more replay-worthy than most other rappers I've heard, and that's not a super short list. He's also a huge fan of spelling in general

That's not by accident

I'm given to disagree. Let me hit you with an analogy here:

It's good to examine those.

Makes enough sense to me. If a guy shoots his business partner for fucking him over, I think that presents a clearly different level of danger to the populace in general than if a guy goes out and shoots a guy for being the wrong color. One is a danger to business partners, one is a danger to a whole race of people,

We really can't open definitions up to "well, SOMEBODY might say" and then throw out the definition based on that. Somebody might say that me saying neonazis huff their own shit out of their kid sisters' socks is hate speech, that doesn't mean that term is meaningless now or that we need to avoid it. They do, fuck

Oh man I wish I could go to a thing like that. The right has been fracturing hard and fast these last couple cycles, and there's a very clear divide these days between old racists who are that way because of their upbringings and young racists who are that way because they read a couple articles on breitbart and came

I heard somebody say that white dudes don't have the same problems with cops as other kinds of dudes! As a white dude that once got a jaywalking ticket,

That's the problem with letting computers do stuff like that, they don't know how to weight things correctly. A whole bunch of deep, deep dumbasses mashing the like button on a picture with some inaccurate bullshit written on it does not make it important or true or worth showcasing, it just means you've tapped into

Why, I'm just a regular guy who never had an opinion about anything before! I'm neutral! I just want to have an open and free debate about this wall of hand-picked statistics I copy-pasted from a white supremacist site! How are we supposed to learn and grow if we keep our minds closed to ideas like genocide?