Poop Medicine

Yeah, the worst thing you can do is debate some of this stuff. Some guy wants to cherry pick crime statistics to show that black men are the source of all evil in the world, you don't debate that guy like he's got a debatable point of view that warrants consideration and careful rebuttals. He wants that, don't give

I mean, do you spend all day trying to change the minds of disingenuous jerks on the internet? There are some ideas that you only prop up as being debatable by trying to debate them, especially on a site as riddled with white supremacists as reddit

Did he molest kids so hard that he caught kuru? Were they making the prize out of human flesh and then he ate it? I don't understand what's going on here

I can see not accepting dj sets or whatever, but I'll fight you in public if you say country and rap can't qualify. Rock and roll too I guess

I know I'm an American in the wrong time and place, but wowee I can't understand the appeal of that particular strain of wet, wet British comedy. I love a lot of the stuff that runs between dry and thoughtfully absurd, but a Scottish ninja just doesn't hit me. I entirely intend to die laughing, but that seems to me

I'm usually not into joke-style jokes but that got a surprise laugh, thanks. Here's one I heard recently that stuck with me

GOG sells a version that's optimized for a modern box, so that's actually easier to get running than the clusterfuck that is 3. New Vegas is great, 4 is skippable, and for the love of god play Planescape. That's not a game you can really watch a play through of, it's too personal. The game hinges on the question

There's a badass taco spot attached to portland's oldest strip club like two blocks from there. By attached I mean that if you need to use the restroom, you're gonna see a tit. You now have all the information you need to have a really memorable night downtown. Don't go to voodoo.

Wait, how are going to mention kuru and not mention that you usually get it from cannibalism?

Get at least 2 under your belt, I feel bad for the new fallout fans that never got to do the old ones. It's kind of a grind as far as interface goes, but if you can get past that you're in for one of the better RPGs anyone ever made. After that, you've got Planescape: Torment to look forward to, which is the best

Fuck the police

That's the sound of the police

You're gonna have low quality sleep either way, so just figure out if getting up and having lights on is going to be more or less detrimental to whatever your deal is

Medieval Madness though

Ground Kontrol is sick. For those in other areas, it's a two floor arcade that goes 21+ at like five PM. The second floor is basically nothing but pinball, with drink holders bolted to most of the machines. I haven't been for a while, I think they may have even relocated, but it's a great idea that I'm surprised

Metallica was clearly not metal in 1997 or at any point since but I take your meaning and I'm not looking forward to seeing a ten foot tall rollercoaster at a county fair playing a song and thinking "I remember when they were good."

I meant metal as sort of a placeholder idea instead of the actual genre. Good example, actually, acdc was clearly "metal" at some point. It was loud, it was obnoxious, it was extreme, people thought it was really fucking tough, and to this day there's nobody I avoid in a pit quite like the old guy in the acdc shirt,

I've never really looked much at the back catalogue for the same reason I'm not driving a Model T around, so I don't know what's in there, but wow that's a weird idea. So like the bad kids at the high school are getting high and playing Aerosmith? Someone would go to an Aerosmith concert and come back with cool war

I've been not going to Florida every day of my life. If I can do it, so can you

I liked that time Bush was photographed throwing the horns for completely unrelated reasons