Claire Danes by a country mile. She contorts her mouth all weird (which is not unrealistic, Danes must just have some deep well of sorrow she can call on at will).
Claire Danes by a country mile. She contorts her mouth all weird (which is not unrealistic, Danes must just have some deep well of sorrow she can call on at will).
Lol, it's probably okay. I haven't been fired yet, anyway.
Lol, it's probably okay. I haven't been fired yet, anyway.
I think it's okay to say that their aesthetic sense was pretty solid. Their policies were a bit of a letdown, though, if we're being honest.
I think it's okay to say that their aesthetic sense was pretty solid. Their policies were a bit of a letdown, though, if we're being honest.
Just cut to him standing there with a horrified expression on his face, like "dear God, what have I done?"
Just cut to him standing there with a horrified expression on his face, like "dear God, what have I done?"
So it becomes Debster? And we get to watch her prepare her elaborate morning ritual of "opening a yogurt cup like a normal person" instead of making herself a straight-up meal before she puts on shoes that arleady have laces in them (because who the fuck ever takes the laces out of her shoes?) at the beginning of the…
So it becomes Debster? And we get to watch her prepare her elaborate morning ritual of "opening a yogurt cup like a normal person" instead of making herself a straight-up meal before she puts on shoes that arleady have laces in them (because who the fuck ever takes the laces out of her shoes?) at the beginning of the…
I'm still partial to SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!
I'm still partial to SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!
God damnit, I clicked on that link and I am at work. I don't care if it was clean, there is no way I didn't trip some kind of firewall with that shit…
God damnit, I clicked on that link and I am at work. I don't care if it was clean, there is no way I didn't trip some kind of firewall with that shit…
^chrisk wins, I think.
^chrisk wins, I think.
FWIW, that baby on the show is like 5 months old.
FWIW, that baby on the show is like 5 months old.
Myeah, a little chin music, see?
Myeah, a little chin music, see?
If this was the Newsroom they would have been out there looking for Sasquatches. But Carrie and Roya would have gotten lost because they are women and Saul would be a Republican, but he would be the sort of neutered non-republican republican that you can totally get along with because he doesn't believe in anything.…