
I returned mine like this:

How have you dipshits not seen the DropStop on Sharktank?

I was broadsided in my TDI a week ago after an Uber driver ran a stop sign. I fully plan on pocketing the money from his insurance company and not having the repair done (~10 grand), then returning to VW.

The Omega SEAmaster was not the moon watch. That would be the SPEEDmaster Professional.

More like a moose knuckle.

I have a paid off 2013 manual tranny, 35k miles on it. VW buyback is $23,477. Getting a Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland.

Fuck these people.

Buddy Ryan was 85 years old, you dolt.

The 38" version is $110 at Costco right now.

The 38" version is $110 at Costco right now.

You literally need none of these fucking things.

Maybe I would enlarge it and use it as a sexual aid...

Tracking down these legends is literally the most important thing Deadspin has ever done.

Jeff Fisher definitely likes having his butthole licked.

That leaf blower is a piece of shit.

That leaf blower is a piece of shit.

You watched no Eagles games last year.

My name is Drew Magary and everything tastes like feces to me, because my mouth looks an asshole: