The dog saved two cats. The dog saved the lady from driving a Dodge Journey. Hero. Your welcome ungrateful lady.
The dog saved two cats. The dog saved the lady from driving a Dodge Journey. Hero. Your welcome ungrateful lady.
We Lemon Law’d a 2014 Cherokee Trailhawk. Your maintenance only Jeep story not typical of current FCA products. I still own my older Offroad Jeep. Not sure if I would trust a new FCA product again.
Biggest question is the vehicle title status. Is it clear? Does he have it? Is it in his name alone?
In Washington State, Congestion Relief is not a core principle of the State DOT. Last year one branch of the legislature tried to add Congestion Relief to the DOT list of core principles. This nearly shut down the budget process.
“Tiny Homes” are not designed to twist and flex while going down the road. RV’s are designed for moving down the road. The better RV’s are also 4 Season rated which includes insulated tanks.
I drove many of these when new. I don’t recall it being that fast. This example has a well worn interior.
We bought an Alero new. It’s why I will never by a GM vehicle again. Replaced all brakes, calipers and rotors every 6k miles. After the third change out at 17k miles traded the car at a big loss. Found out later the NHTSA logged lots of similar complaints with the Alero and its corporate cousin the Grand AM.
Your 2001 should be OK. For anyone with an older truck should check on the “Killer Dowel Pin (KDP)“. Wait until the first time the radiator fan actually engages. It sounds like a jet engine. The excellent cooling system in these trucks allows the radiator fan to rarely engage.
Gas station TV does not seem to have auto brightness. Strains the eyes when dark out. I would prefer to listen to someone’s poorly tuned radio blaring music I’m not familiar with vs gas station TV.
Use an OBDII dongle to cellphone to monitor engine functions. I use an old phone for my RPM gauge on my Dodge Diesel with manual transmission when towing. Not worth my time to fix the jittery rpm gauge.
Million Dollar hyper cars won’t make a lot of sense when the new Tesla comes out at $200k.
Re: Toyota, reminds me of the Michael Keaton movie “Gung Ho”.
This video release was unexpected. Our family really enjoyed it. Looking forward to Capaldi’s final episode.
Diesel has the potential to raise corporate fleet averages with long term customer savings. Marketing Diesel post VW seems problematic.
Same here. This machine is built to last. Cheap carpet cleaners just spray water with little cleanup. This thing works well leaving the carpet nearly dry.
Same here. This machine is built to last. Cheap carpet cleaners just spray water with little cleanup. This thing…
The car becomes an SUV?
EV tax credit is a wealth transfer from the poor to the rich. Washington State is looking to tax every vehicle for every mile driven due to fuel efficient and EV cars. More tax that hits the working poor the hardest. Ev tax credit was never a good idea.
It seems like Donna B is taking the first step to cutting the Clintons loose. HRC is still running around telling everyone it wasn’t her fault. Brazille has provided a big crack in the Clinton armor. This allows open season on the Clintons by anyone afraid of taking the first step. This is about the next Presidential…
Once took a plane, had the dealer pick me up. Drove the truck 7hrs home. Saved $12k versus all local dealers. Some local dealers were higher than $12k. Still payed my local taxes. However, be cautious. Lemon Law protection may not apply if you purchase from out of state. I prefer to buy local. The local dealer…