Most of the people using the EV tax credit can easily afford new cars. It looks like the EV tax credit is the working poor subsidy to the rich. Let rich people pay their own way.
Most of the people using the EV tax credit can easily afford new cars. It looks like the EV tax credit is the working poor subsidy to the rich. Let rich people pay their own way.
Our local roads have deteriated. A proper SUV has no problem with poorly maintained roads (4runner). Cars are easily damaged. Last car I bought for the wife ended up with strut and rim damage. Her 4runner doesn’t even blink on the same roads.
I found the floating roof design to have bad blindspots.
Cars & Coffee videos should get better.
Unions are absolutely necessary. Even if you do not belong to one. Most people have better work conditions because of Unions.
Exactly. Sunroof shades rattle. Sunroof usually reduces headroom. Sunroof can reduce roof stress. I never use our sunroof now. Forced to buy the sunroof model for other options.
Why would Toyota rush to market an electric vehicle? There’s little demand at this point. Tesla is burning through money. The Volt failed. The Bolt has mediocre demand. The Nissan electric has little demand despite good pricing. Toyota already has their hybrids and Prius performing beta testing. Toyota is working on…
CR is one of many tools to use.
A day or two ago someone in the comments here on Jalopnik was very upset with me for even considering Subaru was not perfect. Kinda like the other guy who was very unhappy when I mentioned Ford Explorers had Carbon Monoxide problems. Now I have to wonder if Subaru sources their engines from Hyundai.
One of the theories is the cabin vents located behind the rear bumper. The vents are located very close to the tail pipe. This is still a theory at this point. This is affecting Police and Civilian models.
This is one of the big problems with electric vehicles. Vehicle to vehicle cut line will be different. I don’t want fire fighters consulting a manual every time they show up.
Agree the safety tech and crash protection of the Subaru is superior. However, Subaru has about the same reliability of an FCA product. The one thing an average Subaru does better than all versions of the Wrangler is traction on ice. The 5 position transfer case would make up alot of ground. We recently bought a…
Optional 5 position transfer case is a great add on. Hopefully it works. Like the nv242 in the old XJ. Would allow Jeep to grab lost Subaru sales. Especially for people who want to think about Offroad but really only need something for inclement weather. Aux switches are about time.
Kathryn Heigl had a promo tour for some movie about a year ago. The interviewer brought up Steven Seagal. Heigl mentioned he asked to date her during or after “Under Seige 2". Heigl reminded him she was very young. Might have been 17? I don’t recall the exact age. Seagal told her he’s had girlfriends that age. Didn’t…
Pocket knife.
I was thinking the same thing. The Honda Fit came into contact with a Hydroplaned Toyota Tundra at highway speed. How would a non repaired Honda Fit handle this?
My dad’s personal use fishing boat was reduced to a puddle of aluminum after a storage fire.
Kill the Alero. The brakes WILL fail on it. Crush it. Send it off a cliff with a GoPro inside. Use the viral video adsense money to fix the XJ. Never trust an Alero.
Equinox is basically a tall unibody car. It doesn’t really matter what people buy. They are all the same.