1986 Mazda truck rear bumper was optional.
1986 Mazda truck rear bumper was optional.
I had an 81' Mazda B2000 with 4 spd manual transmission. 32mpg average fuel economy. Very simple truck.
I have owned an Alero. $1 is too much. Never depend on Alero brakes. They are subject to warping and just plain not working. Every 6k miles it needed 4 new rotors, calipers and pads.
College student receiving significant financial aid from parents? Toyota Yaris. New 4dr with factory warranty $16.2. Get what you want when you graduate. In the meantime enjoy not working on it. Want To go Offroad? Rental car.
Friends had an Explorer with CO problems. It would happen during acceleration with windows up and air conditioning on. It appeared to be sucked into the cab.
Isn’t the engine normally good to 200k miles on average? This example is near death. Next owner gets to send it to the junkyard.
Will it survive a Hydroplaned Toyota Tundra?
Shirley he can’t be serious
The big 3 should try building reliable cars.
I searched every dealer in my State and surrounding states for a very specific build and option package. Toyota product. It’s time consuming. Can be done. 4runner’s are only made in Japan. Custom orders not a common practice.
My wife thinks it’s weird that I get excited when a fresh batch of crash tests drop on my YouTube feed. Interesting to see the actual metal tech that improves our safety.
Using my exhaust brake my Dodge Diesel has 120k miles on the factory original brake pads. Front pads are now at 50%. Engine braking allows the vehicle service brakes to stay cool allowing maximum brakes when required.
I have not seen an independent (or biased) anylasis stating electric cars Cradle to Grave CO2 total emissions is less than a fuel efficient car. Electric cars batteries usually require replacement. Current battery tech does not pencil out when looking at the total lifetime emissions.
For towing and article publishing go with the School bus. Chevy gas go with the 6.0l. The 5.3 is decent only when empty. Avoid the 6.0l Ford diesel. For Dodge Cummins, 2003+ had a better frame and better brakes. Duramax is fine as long as the water pump has been replaced. Some independent shops refuse to replace the…
The Hummer H2 has one feature I like. One button can make all windows open at the same time. The rest of it is garbage.
I’m not sure how FCA manages to meet fleet mpg Federal requirements. The crappy Chrysler 200 at least helped raise the average to make room for the Demon or Hellcat. I would not want to be the first Jeep JL owner with a gas turbo engine.
V8 changes the vehicle classification. Requires a new round of Federal oversight and crash testing. Very expensive to install for a limited market. V8's seem to be downward Trending anyways.
The old XJ Cherokee Selectrac worked great. No word if this is the new optional transfer case. Formerly the nv242.
This makes the Wrangler more competitive. The Selectrac is optional. A true replacement for the XJ Cherokee. Wrangler can better compete with the AWD competition. The base 4wd is still available. Rubicon model is still available. Now it competes with the Limited 4runner and Subaru in the snow belt.