
Fake News

Can they activate only one brake at a time?

The carbon Monoxide problems seemed to be linked to the rear hvac system when the vehicle is moving while under a specific acceleration load. Civilian and Commercial versions both are problematic. After 3 trips to the dealer friends traded the 6 month old 2015 Explorer. Dealer could not stop the Carbon Monoxide cab

Early Ford Explorers had transmission problems. Now they try to kill the occupants. No thanks.

We had a CTS Cadillac for a rental car in Hawaii. Not that impressed.

I don’t get the $10k TRD PRO markup. That’s alot of money for special shocks and one of three special colors. If you are even thinking of lifting the vehicle go with the Off Road version.  

Eddie Murphy had a great rif on talking cars. Might have “Delirious”?

I sat in a Bolt at the local autoshow. Front seats were not comfortable.

Tesla will not sell parts to anyone. They require a valid VIN. They may also ask some additional info to verify the real owner or authorized repair shop is ordering parts. Non Tesla owners are not allowed to purchase parts. This would bypass the Tesla ordering procedure. High end used cars are usually worth way more

Did they fix the oil consumption issue? Sluggish acceleration and less than stellar infotainment can be forgiven. Excessive oil consumption is a no go.

In the Seattle area car theft is very low priority. Car thefts are up dramatically because it’s a low level crime. If the thefts had happened 15minutes North the crimes would still be in progress. Burien police (usually contracted King County Sheriff’s) do try and apprehend bad guys. City of Seattle cops are held back

Some restaurants are great at Gluten-free items. If I ask a server a Gluten-free question and receive deer in the headlights look I will not eat. There are some decent Gluten-free breads at the Supermarket. Not saying they equal Gluten bread. Not all Supermarkets are the same. Even stores of the same chain have

It was obvious the LCS looked horrible on paper in the 90's. No way it was going to work. The FFG(X) appears to be a baby DDG/CG. Length of VLS tubes would be the limiting factor. You could deploy the long tubes centerline of the ship for Tomahawk. Deploy the shorter tubes port /starboard for asroc and SM2.

I don’t get the hate. Someone is going to score a great Model S that only needs tires. He’s using his own money. People burn money on all kinds of frivolous things.

Two of my vehicles are manuals. Their eventual replacement will be auto.

My passenger 06' Cummins passenger side airbag being replaced right now. Check to see if both of yours are due.

When the notice arrives I immediately call the dealership for an appointment. I’m sitting in the dealer right now for one of the airbag recalls. If I don’t do it right away it probably won’t get done.

I would be more concerned about employees driving the vehicle vs prospective customers.

There now a couple of vehicles at/near $100k. Some of this money helps pay for local people that then support other local businesses. Having local rich people buy ridiculous local stuff helps everyone.