
I cruise Facebook cars even when not buying. The other day Facebook gave me an alert to a price drop on something I previously clicked. Prices seem more realistic on Facebook vs Craigslist.

Honda refused to list the 0 - 60 times on a sports car. The Ford base price is about $2200 more for Awd and probably a full second faster 0 - 60 times. Honda has also lost the mythical status of being reliable. Has anyone tested the Honda vibrating rear wing usefulness?

Glad I don’t live next to the Corvair guy. This many dormant vehicles invites petty crime. It welcomes rats. However, if it’s legal I don’t see how he can be stopped.

Almost seems like Uber and United have the same CEO.

When I’m towing. I look for the signs and visibility of the business from the freeway. I need definitive confirmation it’s not a tourist trap with no turn around.

No. We lost communication with a Drone from any of a number of technical reasons. It was decided not to destroy the Drone. Our government allowed a fully intact Drone to be taken for reverse engineering.

Any chance the Iranian Drone is based off technology we allowed to be taken?

It’s not enough truck. Needs to be at least an F450. Also the engine is not desirable.

Is there a reason the small windows can’t be popped out?

This has been a problem preceding the current administration. Most politicians don’t want to crack down on bad loan terms. No one wants to be responsible for anything resembling a market crash. This doesn’t account for the political donations to both parties from all auto related services.

Go for the 1996 - early 1998 5spd manual equipped trucks. They make more power from the factory. They continue making more power than other versions as the mods add up.

I have regularly bought the higher end parts on Rockauto that turned out to be the OEM part. A turn signal stalk had the Ford logo scrapped off. With aftermarket alternators and starters the HD or premium brand usually deals with bearing quality and final assembly location. I’ve reached a point in life I only have

Electric car tax breaks usually go towards the people that can afford it. If there was an income threshold it might work better. Right now the poor are subsidizing the rich.

Toyota 4runner. Reliable. Easy to buy parts. Cargo room for stuff.

Smartphone weather alert from your favorite app would fix the problem.

96 - 98 Cummins 12v with manual transmission are an excellent combo. Easy power and easy to work on. Engine needs the killer dowel pin repair and transmission needs the 5th gear fix.

Avoid using the rear locker on black ice. Uneven ice isn’t too bad. Pure black ice with a locker causes loss of normal driving. Especially if the road has a crown.

Does this make them “Trail Rated”?

Make it reliable. Eliminate water leaks from the Freedom tops.

Not really my thing. Seems too big like the regular Raptor for any trails.