William Diaz

Sweeper is just annoyed that I repeatedly point out that the ability of modern IRST gear to locate F-35s from ~75 miles out makes the entire stealth idea that drives the F-35 both obsolete and an utter waste of dollars. I am one of those people who is very much for cutting the F-35 program entirely and instead going

IRST is a fundamental capability of every other advanced AF in the world except ours. It is an outrageous oversight that likely exists because it would clearly demonstrate what a scam the idea of ‘stealth’ is on the fat pig that is the F-35.

That was the Swiss Air Force you were thinking of and they dont work weekends, because they dont really have an active duty military or Air Force. No one is going to invade the Swiss because there is little there besides mountains, junkies and good shots with military grade weaponry.

All the Russian ex-pats I know (including my ex-wife) would laugh in your face if you tried to tell them how nationalist they are. Most of those people are very smart people with advanced degrees in science, but those people represent the majority of non-Jewish Russian expats in the US. It is the ignorant and

You are an idiot. The only reason that the Russians were successful in the scenario is that the scenario was created to deliver exactly that result. There already are sufficient forces available to NATO to equal 7 brigades (including the necessary armored and mechanized formations) as well as a 4:1 superiority in

You are an idiot. There are as many ways to lose a war as there have been wars throughout the history of man kind and as Vietnam, Afghanistan (both times) and Iraq clearly show, victory in conventional battles does not win wars, especially when the population of the country in question is firmly against the

The Rand study was complete and utter BS btw. In the rules of the exercise, the US/NATO team were denied the use of both the 173rd and the brigade sized ‘Ready Force’ that the 82nd maintains year round, which is able to get pretty much anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Having been part of that ready force I know

Do you mean like Moldovan Europeans, Georgian Europeans or Ukrainian Europeans? Is Chechnya considered part of Europe?

No, like I said we stopped invading Mexico about 100 years ago, but our b4ehavior as an intrusive force has been pretty bad, even recently. The difference between the US invading Afghanistan and Iraq and the Russian invasion of Crimea is that we had permission from the UN and the Security Council to do what we did and

The illegal occupations you mention ARENT fine and am not sure where you got the idea they were. Also, the whole world recognizes them as illegally occupied and not annexed by the nations that control them.

We have a long history of invading/occupying Mexico actually, but gave up doing that about a century ago.

Russia is a failed nation with a rapidly collapsing economy and there is no nation of any importance that will recognize the illegal military invasion and occupation of Crimea. No shots were fired in the annexation of Czechoslovakia either, but it didnt make it any less an invasion.

That would never happen, because the US doesnt impose on their governments, nor threatens them with military force. Since the US is both Canada’s and Mexico’s #1 trading partner, why would they give up the economic benefits of such a relationship to side with a has been regional power that has a GDP less than both of

‘Armed invasion’ is the correct term and the number of countries that recognize the annexation of the Crimea is vanishingly small and largely without any influence.

The Saudi Arabian Army is currently getting its ass handed to them by the Houthi rebels in Yemen. It is so bad that the Houthis have been able to take the fight to the Saudis inside KSA, with their ground troops essentially running away when confronted.

First of all, if there is a majority of ‘Russians’ in the Crimea, it is mostly because of the more than a century of ethnic cleansing started under the Russian Empire. Second of all, it isnt Russia’s place to make any decision regarding the Crimea independent of the government of Ukraine.

The Saudi Air Force is well trained, well equipped and due to the privileged nature of the pilots, they tend to get a lot more flight and training time than any other Air Force in the Middle East and probably even in the US. How that equates to combat capability is uncertain, as the SAF hasnt really done much in a

I would go back even further than that to the Russian supported ‘frozen conflict’ in Moldova and the region of ‘Transnistria’. I think it is there where the Russians saw the value of ‘frozen conflict’ as a way to dominate its foreign client states, which further caused the development of ‘hybrid war’ to allow Putin to

2 Soviet Socialist Republics made an agreement to peacefully transfer territory from one Republic to another and that transfer has been a done deal for a long while. In addition to that, there exists the ‘Budapest Agreement’, wherein Russia agreed to keep its little dick skinners off of Ukrainian territory and out of

I think you meant ‘Violent Felon and Convicted Hate Criminal’ Mark Wahlberg, right?