William Diaz

If you are too stupid to be able to understand the difference between supporting the troops and supporting immoral and ignorant use of military force, I am not sure what to say to you. The wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq were very poor returns on the young lives we spent in both conflicts, to say nothing of the

Unlike you, I remember when ‘military hating’ cities were in the South, outside of any military base and service members like myself were greatly resented by all of the right wing red-necks outside of the gate.

Lol, you are a pathetic internet tough guy.

Um no. By a charitable accounting, we may be 3/6 and that is only if you count the 2 Iraq wars seperately and the first one as a ‘win’.

I am a Mainer (now living in Vermont) and it wasnt the shorts that killed her, it was the booze. The emphasis on this story shouldnt be on what she was wearing, but how much she had been drinking and the fact that no one kept an eye out for her when she wandered outside.

I have never once in 50 years heard any male defending or even trying to defend being laughed at by a woman as an excuse for murderous intent. I have read of such things in and around cases of men sentenced to die and executed for such a crime, but have yet to meet or see that sort of defense in real time.

Im sorry, but your math is the one that is shitty. I cant believe I am getting involved in this...

You are an idiot.

You really dont know shit on the subject and are merely a typical right winger suffering from willful ignorance.

You are dumb and being as dumb as you are, you should be embarrassed to offer a comment as ignorant as the one you just did. Suffice it to say you know nothing of the law of the sea or how transit of territorial waters occurs.

President Harry Truman was just one of a great many US war criminals in WWII. The only thing that saved US war criminals from being on the wrong end of a rope was that we won.

Q: What do the Bengals and South Vietnam have in common?

You seem to have forgotten that they are in their territorial waters (as were we, being both agressive and stupid as we are often wont to be) and it is the US that has attacked Iran in those waters, shooting down a civilian jet liner.

Russia is a tough place for anyone who isnt white, regardless of where you are from. They have a very high level of ‘white on...’ violence and a murder rate that puts the US to shame.

Russia is our enemy and its invasion of the Crimea and Ukraine clearly demostrate the threat that Russia poses to the world.

Very little is made in the Russian economy, it has been historically since the fall of the Soviet Union relied on imports.

Our national security expenditures are greater than Russia’s GDP, lol. That trillion a year they lost since the invasion of Ukraine aint coming back, either.

I wonder what the curves look like now, asshat, lol. Havent you noticed that the economies that relied of oil and gas are now taking it in the neck?

And you are one of those people without a clue as to how the economy works, especially the Russian economy. Commodities are responsible for over 80% of Russian exports and 75% of Russian governmental expenditures. Considering the loss of close to $100 dollars a barrel of oil in the last slide (and it isnt over yet),

Have you ever carries such a pack? I despise bullshitters like you who talk about what it is that infantry does and has to do, without have any idea first hand of what being infantry is or requires.