MSG Eater

I think the real hard sell with this car is that it’s TWICE as expensive as a GT3, with which it shares all its fundamentals. For that price hike you get extremely minor performance improvements and a drop top. Arguably the RS offers more at nearly $100k less.

Presumably these are black car drivers who sometimes switch to Uber

I dunno it just looks like an Alphard, which aren’t exactly attractive in the first place. I see these almost constantly here in Hong Kong and they’re the best for Uber rides.

Reportedly this was bought by someone in Hong Kong, which, as a Hong Konger I can confirm, is literally the last place you’d ever want to drive this car

As many people have mentioned, the real advantage of taking a train is on shorter routes like NY to Boston, which I have done a million times for work. You go city center to city center, you don’t have to go through the security process, you don’t have to arrive an hour or more early.

Look at these geniuses repping my alma mater. Full of pride.

It will be a sad day when this one goes. This car is old but it’s still the only Maserati I get excited about or would ever want to own. It’s the last of the “old Maserati” DNA, when they were a quirky low-volume manufacturer

Random coincidence--the clip at the end is in front of my office in Hong Kong lol

Came in here to post the E39 (it is, as someone said, the right answer) but I think the E38 is also just as gorgeous today.

Considering the frequency of misspellings on English translations all around town this is probably the most authentically Hong Kong thing they could have done.

45 billion served??

Lol how old are you?

*tips fedora*

Easier said than done, mate. The whole thing about being a public company is that public shareholders have a say in how the company is run, too.

Honestly this is a steal! I can barely get 1000 sq ft and 3 bedrooms for that here.

It does look almost exactly like the 991. More like the 991 than the 991 looked like the 997. But personally I don’t see a problem with this. You don’t wanna mess with a good thing too much.

Come to Hong Kong where every UberX is a Prius with a body kit and multiple TRD decals (but no performance upgrades)

I agree. It even looks pretty similar (proving that MB’s “4-door coupe”-sedan distinction is utter nonsense). I’m sure the product planning people have some hilarious justification for selling both. At least if they sold the hatchback there would be a point of differentiation in the US market (they only sell the hatch

Just a clarifying question here: this has the 911R engine or the new GT3 engine (they’re not the same).

Personally I don’t think Vietnam Airlines is all that bad. If I have to pay my own way they have some pretty good deals to SEA destinations.