
You seem to have forgotten that the William/Logan timeline is purported to be 30 or so years prior to the present, which might be a time when people carried photos and would explain why it wasn’t faded. Also, it was later faded when Abernathy found it in the present.

Bob #1: What’s your job title?

Counterpoint: Everyone is a wimp compared to Thomas Davis.

huge wreck with 21 mile backup on 81 right after the game...that would be my guess

It’s not the plot- it’s how the plot is executed.

you’re just a regular douche

you’re just a regular douche

Warm Bodies borrowed that aspect. Good movie, if you get the chance to see it. I never thought a zombie romantic comedy would work...

In GoT parlance, a wight is a reanimated corpse, so a “dead” reanimated corpse would presumably no longer be animated. And since the only way we know of to kill a wight is with fire, this wight must still be animated, which makes sense. Otherwise, Jon would be showing them a completely charred corpse and trying to

You’re quite right, the bomb would have had natural uranium in it.

The turbine itself isn’t causing them. It is the base of the windmill. As the current flows past it creats turbulance at the bottom and that kicks up sand around the base that is then carried away. This could be reduced by changing the shape of the base/

Was this filmed on Game Boy Camera?

This is still, to me, after all these years, one of the best things ever. Pretty much why video and the internet was invented.

Well of course it caught on fire, they put the engines on backwards. I mean just look at the thing.

watch it again. Any scene which features Maeve as the madam has be the present day storyline, but William NEVER interacts with Maeve; he interacts with Clementine... who we are told later used to have the role of madame for the brothell before Maeve.

Kelce was in the wrong, but you know what? The refs are quick to throw their flags for bad words and frustration towel tosses but NOT ACTUAL POTENTIAL INJURY PLAYS.

I don’t pretend to know the whole story here, but what a bitch.

To make a minor correction: the plumber’s union only SUPPLIES the dye (at least they supply the orange dye that makes the river kelly green on St Paddy’s Day. They may or may not have supplied the blue dye today).

Came here to post “get a nice wide drill bit, drill into canteloupe, sand the edges of the hole down, microwave it, stop to consider what you are doing, go out for a walk and sit down under a tree, and think for a real fucking long time about the choices you’ve made that led you to this very moment”

You’re late to the riots. Sorry :c