(Not That) Bill O'Reilly

2017 NFC Finalist

Excuse me, that is not a pet peeve, that is a bad habi--[eaten by tiger]

I don’t completely blame Drew given how much the Vikings have sucked for his entire adult life, but this WYTS is basically the Deadspin equivelent of:

Yeah, he overdid it a bit.  All I can ask for (38-7) is that he keeps the same enthusiasm (38-7) for when his Vikings (38-7) come up shortly (38-7).

Putting clothespins on power cords to save money by keeping electricity from escaping as waste is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever heard. If people who believe this have kids that go to your kid’s school, you need to find your kid a new school.

Just think how much money Nick Denton would have made squashing a Hulk Hogan scandal.

For those of us who gave up on expecting consistent good sports writing from sites like Deadspin (free content appears to revolve around thissports lifestyle” bullshit; Barstool is the other end of this spectrum) the Athletic is a breath of fresh air. It’s amazing what happens when you pay for content. You aren’t

And that’s what this guy ADMITS to.

We go to the game Sunday. I’m drinking airplane bottles of whatever I can find. I find my seat in the stadium, watch the kickoff, then wake up with 4 minutes left in the fourth quarter.

Well played.

It’s be nice if that were true; it’s just simply not. At a equivalent levels of age and experience, men are simply better athletes because of physiological differences. That doesn’t make women the “weaker” sex, but it does mean that in any group the distribution of people of who are better athletes is always going to

The women on our soccer and softball teams were huge handicaps. They struck out in softball (they were given 5 strikes just for being girls) often. They couldn’t field, pass, or do anything effective. I joined co-ed sports to hang with friends and co-workers but to also compete in something and try to win.

The New York Daily News wasn’t profitable. How is that not a market correction? It was literally sold to Tronc for $1 because the liabilities were more than the paper’s value. 

Am I wrong to think that there’s a heavy dose of irony that this particular brand of lament is posted here on Deadspin, where many (most) times facts take a backseat to hot-takey opinions? This place is just as culpable in the death of traditional media as anywhere else. In fact - name me one outlet private or

I think the loss of journalism jobs was inevitable. I hate the term “market correction”, because it’s douchey and what-not, but I think journalism employment was a bubble, just like so many other fields. It sucks for the people who built their careers doing NEWSROOM JOURNALISM, but some of those folks refused to

The Dearth Lineup

England is the Minnesota Vikings of Soccer.

A perfect game means no one even makes it to first base, and my entire high school career threw one against me.

I feel this is a bad premise for math purposes. Comparing scripted television ratings to live sports seems like apples to oranges. How are the other sports comparing? NBA regular season rose 8% this year. Premier League rose. MLB dropped from 2016-2017, but under 5%. And the NHL had the worst, a 12% drop. If some

Good to see LeBron get another shot after his last GM stint ended poorly.