
Are we simply going to let it pass that the assumption here is that Harold Reynolds (or anyone who'd not Selena's shooter) would actually stay in a Days Inn?

@Beer_Fart: What exactly is the issue with having a half percent in the figure? As FavreFAIL said, the numbers are simply a result of polling and statistical analysis and might seem too precise, but even so, this mathematically checks out. A half percent of the entire student populace could still be a whole number of

@norbizness: I have yet to see a Denny's in New York. Long Island doesn't count.

@Juancho: Why do you think C.C. really signed with the Yankees?

Pittsburgh: Where rednecks and hoodrats collide.

Apparently the two things the great citizens of Buffalo don't believe in are tipping and deodorant.

@Ryan Leif Erikkson Mobile Disco: Raise your hand if you think the Jew-to-Goy ratio is higher in Boston than it is in New York. Then put your hand down if your name is Crowley.

@gjdodger: Thank you. Say what you will about Captain Boli, at least he's not an excuse-making pussy who took ten days to figure out how the fuck to explain a failed test and the best he could come up with is the most contrived reason known to muscle-engorged man.

Look, recovering alcoholics/drug addicts relapse all the time. It happens. It's a long, lifelong process and the fact that he had a setback, while unfortunate, doesn't completely eliminate his efforts to heal. He'll learn from this experience, have a long talk with his sponsor, and continue down the long and winding

Did Kevin Garnett proofread this post?

@SuccessBot: THANK YOU. That's right up there with "irregardless" or "I could care less."

So on the same night Jon Stewart had Bill Russell on as a guest, Sean Hannity had Jay Feely. Wonder who's winning this media war.

As a journalist and sports enthusiast, I must say that most of the greatest sportswriting in history came from non-sportswriters. Jack Kerouac, Ernest Hemingway, Tom Wolfe—they all wrote fantastically about sports with lyrical prose that was never flowery but always informative. With the advent of Sports Illustrated

Does anybody else hate white girls who wear hoops? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

@crazyjoedavola: There's a good half of Long Island? That's like saying there's a pleasant aspect to getting a colonic.

@Shakey: Okay, rooting for the Nazi's is funny, but you, sir, have gone too far.

Way to be two days late on the heart transplant story, guys. Go back and read the comments section from the first post on the Gardner story: I demand attribution!