wbizarre - OEM fetishist

This focus on 0-60 time is stupid. Cars aren’t one-dimensional - there’s so much more to the driving experience. For Porsches in particular, the steering, handling and braking are sublime, even compared to a GTI. And the luxe interior blows away cheaper cars.


Different sizes of a similar shape is nothing new for BMW. I don’t know what the fuss is all about.

He was clearly a pound, pound and a half, off on the tire pressure on one side.

Le Mans was pushed over to Fox Sports 2 due to US Open golf. It’s also streaming the entire race on FoxSportsGO online, including some extra Corvette cams.

I haven’t read the sites methodology, but a lot of people seem not to understand the meaning of the word “maintenance” vs. “repair.” Similarly, a lot of car articles and people use “reliability” loosely. You can have a car with a lot of problems, but is still reliable.

Watch it, make your own opinion. It’s just that you can tell it isn’t the same production team, the quality is not the same. The jokes aren’t as good and they cannot make it look like it wasn’t scripted. But yeah, watch at least the first, or wait a few to see if it gets better?

Jesus Christ people, the most fun you can have in a 4×4 without leaving your couch is a Range Rover.

Thank god, facts instead of opinions and conjecture.

my time to shine!!! I worked for *INSERT OEM HERE* as a release engineer for weatherstrips, and DLO’s those chrome strips around the windows are not so easy to change color, they aren’t like a bumper, or insert on the side of the car. they are almost always stainless steel or aluminum usually stretch-bent or stamped.

Yeah I’m calling shenanigans on this. Even my GTI is not a great family car if it is my primary family transport. It works in a pinch.

Orlove doesn’t have kids, he wouldn’t know.

I still maintain that this is Lamborghini’s best work in decades.

Who’s the idiot that green lit the transmission buttons to looking like they belong to the sat nav/ radio?

KPGC10 GT-R version go!

Well, I know what I’m doing later. Think I’ll crack a beer and sit next to mine (fortunately purchased 15 years ago, before they went nuts) while I watch that. You know, for motivation.

Bless you, Chris Harris. Bless your wonderful soul.

everyone else would have done this:

The New/old Jaguar E-Type Lightweight. An ode to the glory days of motoring and motor racing! What more do you need?