Claudettes dressingroom

We have plenty of fun on the Grey bus.

My Brilliant Girl! Thank you. No one can masticate like a bovine. Also, two stomachs;)

*rubbing hands together like Gollum* “Election, my precious.”

*whispering so Bobby won't hear * That was better than the original article. Sadly now all I can think of is Men in Black, and the alien walking around in the "Edgar suit." Maybe it's really D'Onofrio in a Reese suit.

Gif face-offs are the “FARKING” (thanks GELLS-LLAP) BEST!!!!!!

OK. I did my Doctoral work in both Literature and Film Studies. Taught them in college too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to shout everyone down about the films I believe to be the "greatest." In fact, given many of my views about the film and entertainment industries, I don't talk very much about them here.

First, I want to apologize for ‘speaking over your head’ to another commenter about your comment. I don't make a habit of it.

Oh dear. So many of you Menz do get it damn rough behind closed doors. My Guy is literally going deaf, and I have to own some of that:( Thanks for reminding me to give him a big thanks-for-listening hug.

When I can stand to even think about rabid pro-lifers, this is the contradiction that proves "someone put these people's brains in backwards."

Mad Max as "best film in years." Oh dear:(

I was a bit weird about "shout" as well. But then I remembered all the shouting we have to do just to be heard. It sucks.

Sorry about my fail. I couldn't see past my outrage at this fool.

My mother told me about it over the phone cause I was in a different city. She loves telling stories:(, but isn’t the most dependable when it comes to ‘the facts.’ As I mentioned in another reply, if the Docs. in this town can mess something up (or not see what’s right in front of them) they will. Apparently

You Win!

I think the only risk factor is that this happened 25 years ago. But that’s no excuse for the Ya Hoo MDs in my town and the fact that it was the 20th century:(

Absolutely. And I wanted to make a joke about "bustles," but they were already out of fashion.

Maybe a cheek kiss. But I'm seeing what looks like a big, blurry tongue. Either way, these two should def hook up.

And these are the same jerks who bitch about their taxes going to "welfare moms." All those horrible WOC having "baby after baby" so they can collect my sweet dollars.

I still can't believe that a high school acquaintance died having her second child. She was 25:(

“Heeeeres Johnny."