
And with trump’s new hunting and drilling options for federal lands, you be able to shoot that bear while sitting high up on an oil rig.

I think that climate change is mostly a natural occurring thing , but so are fires caused by lighting strikes but pouring gasoline on the fire doesn’t help

Why go through all that when (maybe) all he needs are the stories Ivanka told him about Daddy.

Yes, you may, but no electric vehicles.

Feminist point of view: “Women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies, unless it doesn’t agree with my high moral standards”

Try to hold your next after work gathering at Chucky Chesses.

Good, then he won’t have to be shot.

Sorry for the 10 seconds of your life you can’ t get back.

People on house arrest get those bracelets too.

Sorry, Caven below explained to me what you meant, and you are correct. We just need a Harry’s for printer & ink.

Thank you, makes sense now. There was a razor blade ad just under the comment and I think that threw me and there was no coming back.


All the comments below and I didn’t see any about why ink cost so much in the first place, that’s what consumers should be suing printer companies for.

Why didn’t she just say “I don’t want to go there” She could have chosen to suggest another place or if they still wanted to go there, she could have gone elsewhere or home/her hotel.

Because Jalopnik readers actually like to drive.

Is she wearing that bra up side down or that a new form of ‘overwire’ bra??

Is she wearing that bra up side down or that a new form of ‘overwire’ bra??


It probably didn’t when she wrote it, those porn sites are quick little devils.

What ever happened to the GFS backup scheme, we used to use it and I could (with a little effort) go back and restore stuff from years ago.

Did you misspell the last ‘cat’ or did you leave out an ‘N’?