
Of course, maybe they just didn’t think or realize that someone would sift through every DNS call ever made from every computer last year, wouldn’t have occurred to most people, including me.

And it’s not a great, bigly duck.

Don’t forget to figure in Manafort and his daughter’s. tweets about his “Sneaky emails”

or you where only using it to remote connect to the server.

Or there was.

We could could a wall around and then wait for the Global Warming tide to come in.

Ask anyone trying to determine what happened between two people as they each tell the story, there is person A’s truth, person B’s truth and then there is what actually occurred.

Old network admin here , this story takes on new meaning if you tie it to another , lesser covered story about Paul Manaforts daughters tweets about her father’s “Shady” email account,where he only typed draft emails and never mailed any. (Could have accompliced the same the same thing with a NotePad file)

Where I live I think that it is justifiable homicide if you kill someone that hurts your dog, ,We really like our dogs around here.

I seem to remember ‘Barnacle Glue’ being around many years ago.

As someone who works in the industry, what would you tell this customer ?

In case you doubt,( and today is a good day, wait until the school kids get out.)

“throttling it to about 5mbps (that’s megabits, not megabytes) down and 1mbps up for 30 days and let us know how that goes”

From Cook’s Illustrated, a great site for serious coos although a bit pricey

Why bother with all this eavesdropping , when people will buy their own listening device and place them in their own homes.

To be fair , you would have to give the human a blunt pointed stick.

I hate them also, especially that one where people go int o a building on Sunday and place money in a basket or plate

I starred you for just the last line of your comment.

given most of my relations, not assuming that they would end, would be insane.

If we could only get Obama to sue trump for deformation , trump would have to present his sources that back up his claim. Force him to admit that he gets his intel from AM radio talk shows.