
Paying the worker 30 cents per hour in China vs. 15 dollars per hour in the US, isn’t really going to make anyone move to the US

As we all know by now trump won’t be attending the WHCD this year, which shouldn’t surprise anyone, we all know that that he avoids going places where he might get hurt, (like being drafted). So they will ha e to put a cardboard cutout of him in the audience, or better yet let SNL provide stand ins for trump and staff.

Only as the Constitution burns will he laugh uncontrollable. 

If she raises any money it should still go to providing journalism scholarships. That will really piss trump off.

And the Scottish folks really don’t like him.

If only he hadn’t pissed them off, they might help.

I vote for kidney stones, the size of walnuts.

If hard copies, cut the borders off each page (at least a half inch), then copy each page at a public copy machine (library, etc). ,pay in cash, check for cameras , wear gloves at all times once they are fresh copies , put in envelopes, don’t lick stamps and drop in mail box to multiple news outlets (on both sides of

And would be just as effective as any other wall

Just ran across your comment today, given the recent “Russiagate” , how do you feel about your comment now??

I like to add ‘Bazinga’ instead of ‘/s’

She is either the highest paid person in the world or she is in love with trump, only vast amounts of money or love could make you that blind.

What do you think trump is going to do with all the illegals he is going to round up?????

Relax, what could possibly go wrong??????????


We need to start a “Phrases Coined by Kellyanne” listing

Strange talk from draft dodger.

I find it interesting that there are no trump properties in any of the 7 banned countries.. But there are numerous trump properties in a majority of the non banned ones

I don’t have kids school any longer, but if I did that 7 mile walk to the closest library should keep them healthy also, assuming that I wasn’t home to take them

Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) union