
Honestly, this goes back to my main complaint about Obama. He and therefore his administration was too measured in his responses. Now we are stuck with Trump. FML.

No, every two years. All power in our system is derived from the voters. If worse comes to worse we’re supposed to pressure our reps and senators who could in turn start the impeachment process.

It’s amazing that the nation’s highest attorney general, the highest ranking attorney, goes before Congress, and weasels his way into nonanswers by claiming bullshit DOJ policies that don’t exist. And then when he’s pressed by Senator Harris on producing these policies, he claims he didn’t bother to prepare and brush

Well I guess I eat crow today. I assumed Sessions would throw trump to the wolves and would never put himself at risk for his boss. I was wrong, he is as gutless an ass kisser as the rest of the GOP.This shit will come back to bite him. It won’t hurt trump but it will hurt Sessions. Couldn’t happen to a better guy

“I was naked scrolling Tumblr...”

That should be a Fucking Law!

Fucking Dennis Rodman is going to ruin weed for everyone, isn’t he?

Rodman’s doing exactly what I’ve been wanting our politicians to do. Wear their corporate sponsor’s logo while talking about what their agenda is. I’ve always felt our politicians should look like NASCAR drivers, bigger the lobby they support, the bigger the logo on the blazer. No hiding who you work for then. 

Stop plantain your fetish fanfic around here.

Sounds like they were all sober - maybe they should try in the next round with getting some of them drunk to simulate a drunk guy trying to access his OK Cupid/Farmers Only/JDate bank account.

Because everyone hates Mondays.

Everybody’s reading this like Trump’s been implying he might have taped the meetings but I never got that impression in the beginning. More like he was threatening Comey with trouble if Comey had recorded the meetings. Shrug. Neither options bode well for Trump but crazier partisan things have happened. For

You’re telling me the continents have moved that much in 6,000 years?

WayneF1 - “That’s not the worse thing her image has been used for.”

This is why I run all my decisions past the internet.

propagation phase-contrast synchrotron microtomography

An elephant was walking one day and got a thorn wedged between its toes. Every step it took only drove the thorn in further, until finally the pain was too great and the elephant took a break to marshall his strength in preparation for the next few steps..

So the cloud making rocket was postponed due to clouds?