
Most men wouldn’t able to find their car in the lot if they did that.

interesting piece of history. In 1872 the Arabs invented the condom, using a goat’s lower intestine. In 1873 the British somewhat refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the goat first

Yeah. If drug companies are calling you out on your ethics, you should really take a long hard look at your life.

They used our airfield in Nam Phong, Thailand (actually a Royal Thai Air Force Base). but what I found amazing was that they used less runway to take off and land than did the F4s .

If I ran a 5k in 2:43 I’d be happy.

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

Did anybody else click on this just to look at the chick?

I’d take my usual potshot at Florida, except this post reminds me once again that such women are not found up here in the great white north. (Sigh . . . .)

I think I want one of those. And the chair thing too.

I want to be so mad at this...but I’m not.

Path not nearly bumpy enough.

Note to self, hire hot girl when selling product to work as a demonstrator.

The video needs more bumpy surface footage. I mean real bumpy.

Covering the headlights while driving should be illegal.

Sooooo it’s a POS that rich Americans are stupid enough to pay a shit ton of money for? Cool = rich dumbass?

I am a solid 4* in the US but was hit on like mad in Europe. Does that mean they were trying to ensnare me in a drug ring?! Could I have had a life of intrigue??? Dammit!

I mean, it’s not worded in the best way, but I don’t think it’s super offensive. Just blunt.

A correct assholes none the less

This is reminiscent of my mother’s “advice” to me when I went away to college: “Dumpy girls get raped too, you know.”

There’s a nice way?