You know something’s wrong with your Power 5 program is sponsored by Russell Athletic.
My extended family is a collection of irrational Sooners fans that believe college football and ESPN are out to frame the noblemen from Norman. I avoid watching games (all games but especially OU games) with them at all costs. Because of this I decided not to go on a family vacation for New Years 2007 at the Fiesta…
Herm Edwards is the perfect football coach for the Trump era.
This attempt at a Magaryian take down largely falls flat. 3/10.
How you gone make a list of bean options and not list vanilla or refried, the most tasty and worst for you of beans?
Why is Tim Kaine there?
Why do the (presumably American) writers of Deadspin continue to treat collective nouns as plural when writing about soccer? Do they also add superfluous u’s to words and discriminate against the letter z (and pronounce that letter as if it rhymes with ‘bed’)?
Just came here to say that the plural treatment of collective nouns is stupid.
Every time I have a fleeting moment of interest in soccer, soccer reminds me why I stayed away. That dive after Altidore checks him is pure joga bonita.
“Nowitzki’s made Dallas his second home over the past two decades, and he truly sounds more motivated by his love for the city and franchise over money or career accolades.”
Saw the title and just assumed it was Florida - thank you for doing the research.
Looks like I’m in the minority here, but I actually think the Bulls are getting pretty good value for Butler. A healthy Zach Lavine can stretch the floor and finish at the rim, Dunn is a serviceable PG that could mature into a regular provider and Markkanen just put up the best 3pt numbers of any 7-footer in college…
No kidding. Last time I heard anything about Hal Mumme he had just finished somehow turning Tim Couch into a #1 pick and discovered one of my favorite players in NCAA history, Jared Lorenzen aka the Pillsbury Throwboy.
How you gone have a bean list and not rank coffee, the most essential of beans? SMDH
They’re both from Long Island - along with Hannity - as if that needed further explaining.
To be fair, my high school guidance counselor told me the same thing.
1. Nothing-but-net swish
**begins sacrifice preparations to see Sal Paol removed from television**
This deserves more love