
Dude, that sucks. Work is rough enough without sexy tractor imagery.

I got out many years ago, but in the age of Facebook, you never really leave...

The woman with the baby is my ex-stepsister.

poor baby :(((

By ‘professional’, they just mean someone that has a job and pays their bills.

If you play the comparison game (i.e. “I don’t yet have a BA at 26 and everybody else finished theirs at 22”) you will always lose. There will always be someone - even many someones - who have done more things than you. It doesn’t matter. Think of it this way: at 26, you potentially have another 70+ years of life! And

He is dangerous. In one episode (the last one I watched) a young woman, high school maybe?... asked him how to handle a guy who would not stop calling her. His answer... “That’s a compliment! You should be flattered he keeps calling”... He is a dangerous man.

What saddens me the most is that the people that NEED to read this article will never see it. These are the same Bill Cosby/NWA apologists that shout down any criticism of a successful Black man. I had a surreal exchange with a couple of acquaintances about the Dee Barnes story posted here a couple of days ago.

When I was young there were a few very rare weekdays when both my Dad and I were home at the same time while talk shows were on and he LOVED the Maury episodes where you had to guess if it was a man or a women. I’m not sure if Maury still has those because of how un-PC it would probably be, but one of my favorite

WTF is Montel Williams up to, besides schilling for that company that gives you “loans” in “exchange” for your car title (AKA you sell them your car)? I’ve heard - probably in the comments here - that he is not a nice man, which sorta bums me out because I feel bad for him for having MS and I always really liked when

I understand this reference because I just read “The Sun Also Rises.”

wait I don’t get the Thursday part though

“Dr. Matlock is an OB/GYN who pioneered the procedure in the late ‘90s.”