
Go to hell.

No matter what the NCAA says I’ll never believe anything from Notre Dame’s 2012 season didn’t exist.

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.

Rodgers is a transcendent quarterback who is forgetting about his family 50 years ahead of his peers.

Obviously Raptors can’t shoot with those tiny arms.

If there is a “Trump” audible, what do you think it is?

This also happened in Minnesota, but Blair Qalsh couldn’t really fault someone for pushing too far to the left.

All my excess live in Texas.

I can’t believe the Carolina Panthers are 0-5

You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.

“With a traffic light green means ‘go’ and yellow means ‘hold on’, but on a banana it’s just the opposite. Green means ‘hold on,’ yellow means ‘go ahead,’ and red means, ‘where the h*** did you get that banana?!’” - Mitch Hedberg

Good sound off the bat:

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

It’s very popular to shit on things in the internet age, but this is a fair and accurate representation of my feelings on the tournament, too. It just has been underwhelming, disappointing, and hard to get excited about. Canada, with all its talent, plays a boring choking style once they get their lead. And it’s their

In 2009, Michigan place kicker Brendan Gibbons raped a female student. Taylor Lewan, Gibbons’ roommate at the time, then called the victim and threatened to rape her again if she pressed charges.

Put another L in the column.

Wow. And to think I’ve erroneously called it ‘Cleveland’ for years.

“Oh, goddamnit. Now everyone is going to think I’m a Colts fan.” -Rex Ryan

A history of oral with Manti Te’o’s girlfriend: