
If you lived in England, what sport you don’t get to go to on the regular over there would you seek out?

There’s a whole world to explore outside of the dark rooms we lock ourselves in.

For some reason I know my silly little club would be getting something written about them on here for once today...

This is the darkest timeline :’(

How fucked is the UK compared to the US, and where should me and my American girlfriend aim to base ourselves?

Just past their prime guys like Chris Smalling and Gary Cahill?

Everything you say is absolutely right. But... As a Londoner 2012 was the best summer of my life. Yes what’s been left behind is kinda shitty (fuck West Ham), but never in my life have I walked, cycled, tubed and drank through the city with the same sense of incredible happiness as I did that summer. The city was

This suuuuuuuucks. It’s like the steelers scoring a hail Mary against the jags. Please help, I’m breaking.

‘Depth perception is a bitch’

I’m taking phone calls for charity telephon thing here in the UK called Children in Need. I probably wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t for getting free pizza, booze and chocolate.

File this to:

No, no Trump call, no Trump call, YOU’RE the Trump call

Genuinely how do deapspin see European sport? As something to to inform your local readers or something you find genuinely interesting?

Clown question bro

Not that I have clue about these sort of things, but Zika?

I cant cook anything except chicken wrapped in bacon stuffed in cheese, every guy in England can cook chicken wrapped in bacon stuffed with cheese. What the hell do I cook for a date Sunday without killing her? Preferably not chicken wrapped in bacon stuffed with cheese.

This was an awesome bike race. The course was as brutal as it gets, the descents claimed riders in a way you hope will happen but don’t enjoy, and the guys left at the end deserved to be there.

Why are you bringing periods into it?

Arsenal were 1-0 when coquelin was sent off. Still, great game for everyone to enjoy except the teams involved.