
Currently replaying Half-Life 2 in its entirety. The gameplay and atmosphere haven’t aged a single bit, and the pacing still remains unmatched to this day (F.E.A.R. being the exception). From the bone-chillingly frightening Nova Prospekt and Ravenholm to the daunting Canal and Coast levels, each locale in HL2 is

TimeSplitters was the game that really did it for me and compelled me to fully embrace the medium. The colorful presentation, staggering level/weapon/character variety, and fast-paced gunplay made it one of the most unique and creative titles I had ever played in my life. More importantly, it was the first game that

System Shock 2. Watching the fantastic trailer for Prey gave me tangible vibes stemming from Looking Glass Studios’ FPS/RPG masterpiece. As someone who grew up playing atmospheric first-person games, I can’t help but re-experience the sci-fi adventure that capped off an incredible gaming decade.

Now playing

Really digging the pilot-robot bond that was hinted at in the trailer. Getting some Tetsujin 28-go vibes out of it, and makes me yearn for another Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (whose praises I sang in the past). Frankly, if we could get another game like that in the same vein as the Doom and Shadow Warrior reboots,

You’re welcome! :)

The same could be said about me when it comes to RPGs in general (not just JRPGs). I remember playing JRPGs like Valkyria Chronicles, Steambot Chronicles (quite the hackneyed word) and Persona 3 back in the mid-late 2000s when I made the transition to middle school. Even though these games have captivated my


You forgot Hard Reset Redux on June 3rd (fun fact: that day’s my birthday :D).

I thought F.E.A.R. 2 was a decent enough shooter, but it didn’t quite embody the heart and soul of its forebearer. Mech sections were pretty neat, though (not too surprising given that Monolith was also responsible for the incredible but highly underrated Shogo: Mobile Armor Division).

Thanks! I don’t mind being in the grays, but it doesn’t hurt to be noticed by fellow commenters and moderators :)

Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you for the opportunity you recently got, and I’m honored to share my work on Kotaku and TAY and converse with my online buddies, including you.

Looking forward to it! I know I’ve been absent from the TAY forums for a while now (real like keeps eating away at my spare time), but I still frequent the website in spite of my currently ghostly status :P

“Humph! Them whippersnappers and Overwatch balderdash will never fully appreciate the fine art of ripping ‘n tearing Revenants and Cacodemons to pieces!”

It’s kinda funny that Overwatch is getting far more attention than what’s possibly one of the greatest comebacks in video game history (hint: rip and tear :P).

I personally think Nier, Valkyria Chronicles and Steambot Chronicles are similarly solid JRPGs that didn’t get the recognition they truly deserved upon their initial release.

I can lucidly and already tell that this game oozes far more character than virtually all other modern shooters on the market.

Well if it isn’t good ol’ Threepwood?

Good luck to him in his future endeavors.

Thanks for the warning! I’ll try to stay on my toes as I shoot my way through the hordes of scrappy and frenzied robots with my trusty plasma rifle.

Currently playing Hard Reset. I’m a huge fan of old-school FPSs, so seeing Flying Wild Hog’s first game on sale convinced me to take the plunge. So far, the game is really fun to play and I really dig the environmental hazards that allow you to eliminate swarms of enemies in the most destructive and dazzling fashion