As someone who formerly worked in the (AAA) game industry, I can safely say that such a venture is no place for artistic individualism. I’m eternally grateful that my creative writing niche isn’t just limited to a single medium.
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division. Essentially what happens when Gundam and Doom decide to have an offspring.
Also cherished the insight you imparted on the Matturday Podcast. You certainly have one of the more interesting career paths among game developers!
For me, Oblivion represents the quintessence of springtime gaming. Cyrodiil is such a delight to saunter around from an exploratory perspective, which closely mirrors my childhood memories of going around the neighborhood looking for things to do and uncover in my spare time. The whimsical ambiance, colorful scenery,…
Bought the Collector’s Edition as of late. I’m quite fond of the work Vlambeer does as a whole, and any piece of merchandise that comes bundled with a design notebook is, ahem, good in my book (P.S. I’m a sucker for journals, already into my fourth one)!
Got lots of resolutions in my mind, so I’ll try to be brief:
Really enjoyed perusing your article. I think you hit the nail on the head with regards to what makes DOOM’s combat “click”. Seems like most shooters nowadays are all too content with having the player hunker down and, God forbid, take potshots at their foes.
Most of your sentiments have been echoed in a similar…
Thanks! I hope I’ll be able to keep up the momentum going into my final college semester. Past achievements and recent feedback from my academic advisor highly suggest that everything will come full circle by the time I graduate.
Welcome to the Kotaku family, Gita! It’s always good to have another journalist join our fold.
I’m currently unleashing my kleptomania in The Dark Mod, which received a hefty update a few months earlier. My love of all things Thief and Looking Glass Studios recently got rejuvenated by PC Gamer’s amazing article on Thief’s approach to world-building and narrative and I couldn’t help but think it was high time…
What you just described in the above article sounds an awful lot like what I went through as a gamer from crib to college. I played adventure and racing games such as Pajama Sam and LEGO Racers around the turn of the century before transitioning to the PS2 in ‘03. Then I bought a PS3 and 360 in ‘07/’08 and remained a…
The videos he did on immersive sims, open-worlds and the quest design of Fallout: New Vegas are among my favorites.
The odds of finding a job in the game industry is next to nill.
Glad to see you at the editing helm. I hope everything’s hunky dory on your end and I look forward to reading the many articles you’ll churn out through the (long) weekend!
Thanks again for your contribution! I won’t hide the fact that I’m tempted to do something similar in the near-future, but that’s provided I get the chance to do so :P
Oh boy, that’s a tough one. But if I had to go with just one OST, TimeSplitters would be my first pick. I grew up listening to tracks that change in tone and style according to the time zone in which its respective level is set, making for a musically colorful and vivid experience. Not only that, but the songs…