Easily one of the most insightful and thought-provoking articles I’ve read in quite a while. Thanks, Patrick!
Easily one of the most insightful and thought-provoking articles I’ve read in quite a while. Thanks, Patrick!
Ah Black, so many good memories with that game! I remember including it into one of my game design articles as a great example of a game that treats its weapons with respect. The only other game that I can think of that offers similarly dazzling gunplay is F.E.A.R.
I’m just gonna leave this here.
It’s a pity that I don’t personally own a 3DS since there are a lot of exclusive titles like Fire Emblem Fates that seriously pique my interest. Superhot looks neat, though.
So first Uncharted 4 ripping off concept art from AC, now this? Boy, the media outlets are having a field day as of late.
Makes you wonder why there are some folks out there who take that loony seriously. I guess they’re just too impetuous to even predict and fathom the dire consequences of their voting decisions.
I always thought F.E.A.R. was the horror version of Half-Life.
Shredded Wheat :P
Words cannot express how sad I am to learn that GT is closing down its doors. I remember discovering the website back in 2007 (i.e. the year that defined the seventh and subsequent console generations) when I was still in middle school. Their reviews of The Orange Box, Mass Effect, and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune…
Doom 3's box art featured a Hell Knight, and yet that didn’t stop id from making a huge profit on that game.
I second that. I understand the reason for having the Marine on the box art (power fantasy), and I think the metal cover exemplifies what you just said: an explosion-laden nightmare (in a good way)!
Seriously looking forward to getting my hands on it!
+100 for mentioning TimeSplitters. That game pretty much defined my childhood and made me an FPS aficionado.
Congratulations, swatters. You just gave Congress another reason to have your asses handed over to you. Have a nice stay in jail!
Thumbs up for mentioning Syndicate. The weapons in that game were simply marvelous to behold and wield (Gauss Gun, Harbinger, and SWARM are my personal favorites). Shame it didn’t get the reception it truly deserved.
After viewing the incredible above artworks, my interest in this book went from “intrigued” to “HYPE!”.
This has TimeSplitters written all over it!