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Call me crazy, but I really dug the announcement trailer for the Syndicate reboot (which I personally found to be enjoyable despite its flaws). Starbreeze knows how to make stylish shooters.

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division 2. The original game is still one of the most creative and memorable shooters ever made, and it would be a shame if its unique concept (anime FPS) isn’t given another chance.

It looks so clean and polished! Definitely one of the better-looking figures I’ve seen in a while.

I’ll be sure to visit that temple during my summer stay in Japan. Thanks for posting this beautiful pic!

It might sound like an impossibly tall order, but I certainly cannot deny the passion that he embodies. We all have our crazy ideas and dreams that we want to become reality, even if people consider them to be ludicrous.

Solid picks. To be honest, I kind of regret missing out on a lot of 2015 releases since academics and personal projects have kept me busy throughout the year. But I always enjoy reading lists like this one and knowing the kinds of games other people love to play.

Play more recent titles, especially those released in the same year.

I’m experiencing the same phenomena, and for reasons that are partly similar and different from yours.

Great picks! I always enjoy reading lists like yours and getting a better idea of what games other people fancy, especially when their fondness for a particular genre shines through. I greatly appreciate your sharing of your passion for JRPGs, and I kind of feel compelled to do the same thing with FPSs (especially

I just read all of the replies to this conversation, and I couldn’t agree more with what you just said. JRPGs are capable of so much more when it comes to storytelling, presentation and mechanics, and yet it seems that most JRPG developers are content on recycling and overusing old ideas without much thought.

Maybe he cheated on that one :P

Yay indeed!

I would like to take the time to thank the Kotaku and TAY communities for being so welcoming and encouraging me to share my interests with y’all. I’ll remember 2015 as the year my passion made me a “somebody” who didn’t hesitate to contribute to the community and start fruitful conversations. And it’s all thanks to

Glad to see Tales from the Borderlands on the list. Easily one of the most comedic and entertaining adventure games I’ve ever played.

Solid list, although the omission of Valkyria Chronicles and Persona 3 is a bit of a bummer.

Easily one of the most comedic and engaging games I’ve played in recent years. Telltale did one heck of a job giving Borderlands the adventure game treatment, and the results show. Great pacing, fantastic writing, and laugh-out loud moments are just some of the reasons why I love this game.

Sweet! Please keep me posted on your game. I’m very interested in seeing the final product.

Thanks! I should definitely get to reading the books I got for Christmas in the near-future when I’ve got time.

What can I say? I’m an avid Japanophile :)

This is what I got for Christmas, and it’s safe to say that I’m very pleased with my presents: