
I think you have the right attitude. You're planning for the best, but you're not going to beat yourself up if it doesn't all work out. I wasn't ready, either. I did my best and I have a great kid. I ended up without an epidural, as planned, but I did have some dilaudid during the worst part of labor because the

I wish so hard I had done this with my child. My folks more or less did this, until we were older (say, middle school) and we already knew we didn't like (fill in the blank). In those cases we ate the other stuff being served and could make a peanut butter sandwich or something if we were desperate. But as young kids,

I too was afraid of the needle in the spine. Also, I have heard (I could be wrong on this, I'm sure plenty of epi moms will chime in to tell me so) that it can impair your pushing since you lose feeling in the lower half of your body.

I watched the whole thing for the first time last summer. I loved it!!

Here's an interesting one. I used to work with a guy whose wife kept her name. They had two kids a couple of years apart, and they gave one kid the wife's last name (I think the oldest IIRC), and the other kid his last name. I thought that was an interesting way of handling it. The kids must be college-age by now, so

I live in a state where gambling is legal but only in a few widely-spaced casinos throughout the state. I play blackjack for fun maybe once or twice a year. One morning when I was between jobs and in some financial strain, I woke up with this incredible urge to go play blackjack. It was like fate was telling me I

I was a hard-to-fit 9.5 before I got pregnant (and this was a while ago, so 9.5s were even harder to find then), but after baby, perfect size 10. So much easier to find! Thanks, WWJr!

I laughed at the writing of this (well done, Mark) but wanted to scream at the actual subject matter. What. The. Fuck.

I wasn't taking price into consideration, just quality, taste, etc. Of course if you prefer a mushroom burger then it would make perfect sense to go to the places that offer that.

I get a cheeseburger at Five Guys with lettuce, tomato, and grilled onions. Yes, I could put other things on it, but I think those three items are pretty good baselines for a cheeseburger. In-N-Out has cheese, lettuce, tomato, spread (in my opinion, one of the things that sets it apart), and, in my case, grilled

Actually, I don't think I could actually do animal fries, not because they wouldn't be delicious but because my calorie meter doesn't go that high. I will eat a lot of fattening stuff, but there's a point where I'm just like – no, that does not compute.

I actually order my In-N-Outs "protein style" which is lettuce on the outside instead of the bun. I very definitely consider this a burger but of course it does still contain meat, cheese, and tomato. And grilled onions, must have the grilled onions!

I've never cared for Wendy's burgers even back in the good old days, but I love me an Asiago Ranch Chicken Club with spicy chicken.

Yes. And thank you for not using the really obvious cliché I will now throw out there since this conversation wouldn't be complete without it: Chacun à son goût. (I'll be here all week, be sure to tip your server.)

Ah, so this is why all those other fries taste so different. Not just frozen, then fried; but fried, frozen, RE-fried.

That seems like the case with all fries though.

I don't know where you are eating your *frites* but I have had them all over France as well and I still do not agree with you.

Clearly you don't know my friends and family.

Hold the phone, people. I've had The Habit, Five Guys, and In-N-Out. Especially In-N-Out. And I do not know why we are having this conversation. In-N-Out. That is all there is. (The Habit is 2nd. Five Guys burgers are totally boring. Fries OK.)

I've mentioned this on another story (can't remember which one now!), but I have an extended family member who ran a half marathon while 28 weeks pregnant, because she didn't know. She had been training hard and figured that's why she missed her period, and two OTC pregnancy tests showed up negative. After the half